Raikku (Fire Dragon)
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Wicked Nightraptor Wings Band of Avoidance Dragonhead Helm Windwhisper Pendant Emperor Linus Pirate's Booty Fallen Hero's Chain Mighty ShadowReaper of Doom Angler Aeris PvP Trophy (x2) Ancient Treasure Black Pearl (x4) Chef's Hat Gargoyle's Tear Lucky Wererabbit Mushroom Guard's Belt Deep Blue Something Full Silver Guardian Blade Harvest Edge IV Inlaid Edge Iridium Axe Khazri Blade Lazulite Staff Okami's Fury Pale Silver Dirk Permafrost Scorpion Stinger Shatterflash Sword of Falconreach IV Sword of the Amulet III Unsqueakable Farce
Bank Items
ChickenCow Armor Corn Kernel (x6) Major Sunsabre Pridemaster Protectorate Shell