Rampage (Light Dragon)
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Ultimate Dragon Wings X Defender's Dragon Ring XXIV Ultimate Dragon Helm VII Defender's Dragon Necklace XXVII PoeLala Elemental Unity Defender XIV Defender's Dragon Belt XIII Necrotic Sword of Doom Angler Avatar of Time Chronocorruptor Chronomancer Armor ChronoZ DoomKnight Armor DoomKnight Variant One enTropy Epoch Evolved ChickenCow Armor Gnomish Personal Steamtank Mk II Icebound Revenant Kathool Adept Armor Pyromancer Shadow Mage Armor Shadow Rogue Armor Shadow Warrior Armor ShadowWalker of Time SnugglePanda TimeKiller DragonLord Vath Wings Drakath's Wings Extremely Spooky Orange Cloak Nick's Toasty Cape VIII Dark Noble Helm DragonLord Vath Helm Cloak Scrap Aeris PvP Trophy (x56) Bloody Monster Heart (x2) Defender's Medal (x184) Dragon PvP Trophy Frostval Candy Fragments HeroPoint (x15) Scrap metal (x2) X-Boost: Unlimited Lovely Book Sneegion Minion Blade of Janus Chambered Eternity Love Dragon's Air Slasher XI Dragon's Heart of Nature XI Dragon's Wing of Justice XI DragonKnight Blade V DragonLord Vath Sword Forlorn Gloom Glaive Malevolent 13th 13th Scythe Manawood Sword V OmniBlade Raging Flame Claw Scythe Reaper's Scythe VII Rolith's Hammer of Protection Rose Executioner Blade X Scythe of the Amulet Sneegion Sword of DOOM Spiraling Eternity Key Sugary Eternity Joy Sundering Emerald Time Core Edge Ultimate Dragon Amulet Scythe of Elementals The Eraglass
Bank Items
"Coal" A Hole-y Ring Ace of Hearts Akriloth's Fervid Bane Amaranthine Poncho Amber Ring Armored Chickcalf VII Aubergine Helm Avatar's Winged Scythe Baby Kraken VI Belial's Armored Visage Blade of Destiny Bloody Point Bullseye Spear Cat's Bell IV Celestia's Blade IV Chairman Mask Chaos Sentry Cape V ChaosMoon Edge VII ChronoBirthday Guy Hat VIII Chronoblade Chronocape Chronokeeper XI Chronovisage Clump of Fur Coggy Commemorative Birthday Helm V Commemorative Birthday Sword VI Consuming Cursed Scimitar Crystal Dragon Edge XII Crystal Frostval Scythe XII Dark Chronokeeper XI Dark DragonLord's Edge XII Dark Executioner XII Dark Frostscythe XII Dark Legion Cape Dark Legion Helm Dark Sandsea Helm Dark SandWarrior Wings Dark Sepulchure Helm Dark Transcendence Darkened Tree Branches Darkened Tree Helm Darkened Tree Scythe Death's Royal Scythe Decadere Carcass "Cape" V DoomKnight Cloak DoomKnight Helm Dracabbit VIII DrAEgon Scythe Dragon Eye V Dragon Mage Hood V Dragon's Crystal Ice XI Dragon's Eternal Flame XI DragonFable Friends DragonKnight Cape V DragonKnight Helm V Dragons Ex's Calibur VII Dread Pirate Cutlass IX Dread Pirate Hat IX Drellie Drones On Your Back Ebil Love VII Emperor Linus Escherion Cape Escherion Hood Escherion's Staff Esrom Helm Ethereal Atreileon Wings V Extra Crispy Blade of Doom Fallen Ice Dragon Edge Fallen Ice Dragon Staff Fallen Ice Dragon Sword Fallen Ice Dragon Wings Fierce DragonLord Helm Fire Imp Flamestop Flying Mogkee Frost Dragon Head Frost Pumpkin Staff VI Frostval Ruby Helm I Frosty the Snowghoul Golden Aces Cloak VIII Golden Battlespell Helm IX Golden Chickcalf VII Golden Dravir Helm VI Golden Maple Scythe XII Golden Order Blade V Gouda Blade Greg Grenberge Blade X Grenwog Celebration Helm V Grenwog Dragon Egg Blade XI Harrowing Hammer Harrowing Sword IceScythe Icy Battle Crown V Judgement Wheel: Guilt Judgement Wheel: Innocence Kara's Ebony Wings VI Lovely Time Helm V Lovely Time Sword X Lovely Time Wings VI Luckrist Manly Raccoon Cap VII Midnight Wish VIII Mightiest 100k Scythe MiniVolt VII My Tiny Void Pwny III Neutral Cloak Neutral Mask Obsidian Dragon Helm Obsidian Dragon Wings Obsidian ShadowReaper of Doom On Wings Of Bacon Overclocked Rummage Pandora Plushie Escherion Pristine Blinding Light of Destiny Pristine Snowman Proficient Orchidea Pure Golden Death XI Rainbow Saber VIII Resplendent Caliburn Rockin' Headphones III Rolith and Alina's Thank You Note Scythe of the Dark Amulet Sea's Blessing VIII Shadow Hunter Ultra Sword Shadowscythe Bane Shadowscythe Reaper Silk Cravat Silvered Bells Cape I Sir Fluffykins VIII Sneegion Armet Spiked Leather Gauntlet Spirit of Liberty XI Summon Gem - Illumina Summon Gem - Roktoru Sun God Cape Sun God Scythe Sun God Visor Super Golden Phoenix Wings VII Super Lucky Wyvern VIII Super Rainbow Blade XII Taste of Freedom XII Technician's Tools Thank you Note The Magister The Massive Axe XL Thyton's Magitech Scythe Time Killer Ten Gallon Time Travel Fairy Ticketstub TimeShift Cape TimeShift Scythe TimeShift Visor Toxic Venar Traditional Grenwog Eggs VI Transcendence Tzfat Cloak Ultimate Pumpkin Edge Ultimate Twin Blades of Glory Undead Chickencow UWE Championship Ring V Valoth Helm Voidling Helm IV Warden Belt Weaver Cloak III Weaver Scythe IV Wooden Shard
War Records
War at the Core 12 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Full Moon 3 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Save The Moglins 1 waves, 0 Moglins Saved Frostval 13 7 waves, 0 Waves Defeated 13th 13th 4 waves, 0 Waves Defeated War of The Dragon Roses 4 waves, 0 Rose Waves War of the Dragon Roses 2 waves, 0 Dragon Waves Winged Darkness 3 waves, 0 Winged Darkness Waves Turducken 72 waves, 1 Turducken Waves Ebil War 56 waves, 1 Ebil Waves Defeated Wrath of Wargoth 3 waves, 0 Wrath Wave Rising Fire 33 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Lucky Day War 2012 85 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Rift War 18 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Friday the 13th 2011 9 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
DragonLord Castle
Waterelf House
Dragonsgrasp House
Fish Style
House Items
PVP Banner
Fancy Bed
Basic Table with Ship
Basic Table with Snowglobe
Gold Table with Roses
Potion Chest
Cysero's Left Sock
Healing Pad
Artix Statue
Necro U Handbook
Magic Mirror
Armor Closet
Orb Of Saving
Cysero Lure
Sunless Sundial
Glowing Togstone
Really Glowing Togstone
Nythera Poster
Somean Lion Figurine
Hydra Memorial Poster
Miniature Minotaur
Memento Mori
Miniature Hind-in-a-Box
Easy Clean Aquarium
Clyde the Stats Moglin
Traveler's Gryphon Statue