Krahne (Ice Dragon)
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Expensive Silk Cape Mazurek's Emerald Pinky Ring Lightguard Helm Fairy Dust Vial Greedling Pet Three "Lucky" Wishbones Flux Vortex Band Paladin Staff Glowing Tree Branches Grave Ripper Wings Hovering Rocks II Purple Dragon Wings Belial's Armored Visage DeathKnight Helm Foamy Cider Mug Glowing Magma Cowl Grave Skull Ripper Helm High Dark Emperor Helm Necro Paragon Helm II Rose Sand Wrap The Barons Resolute Helm Icy Orb Red Ribbon Dark Insicors (x2) Time Travel Fairy Ticketstub Time Travel Fairy Ticketstub Time Travel Fairy Ticketstub Unlucky Doom Essence Vial of Spider Venom Chompers the Piranha Novice Soulthread Loop Atrea Dream Dagger IV Dimensionally Shifted Blade Elite Staff of Diamonds Elite Staff of Hearts Elite Staff of Spades Eye of the Void (St) V Fallen Ice Dragon Sword Glowing Tree Scythe Heartless ShadowReaper of Doom Melted Stirring Spoon SkullStaff of Doom Staff of the Dragonlords SteamGear Sword
Bank Items
Blade of Destiny Chaos Edge Defender's Medal (x99) Doomed Dragon Amulet Scythe of Elementals Maple of Independence Helm Midsummer Knight's Blade V Necrotic Death Head Pyromancer Summon Destiny Dragon
War Records
Night of Ebil Dread 2 waves, 0 Waves Repelled Song of the Ateala 4 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Serenity Before The Storm 2 waves, 0 Waves Defeated War at the Core 1 waves, 0 Waves Defeated War of The Dragon Roses 2 waves, 0 Rose Waves Ebil War 4 waves, 0 Ebil Waves Defeated Wrath of Wargoth 12 waves, 0 Wrath Wave Rising Fire 1 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Lucky Day War 2012 2 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Rift War 5 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Friday the 13th 2011 168 waves, 2 Waves Defeated Lucky Day War 2011 4 waves, 0 Rainbow Shards
Popsrocket House
Gothic Style II
House Items
Falconreach Window
Hamelin Style Window
Gothic Style Window
Guardian Tower Window
White Couch
Basic Chair
Basic Chair
Basic Chair
Basic End Table
Metal Table
Book Pile
Dragon Nest
Basic Dresser
Shadow of the Wind Village
Inn Table
A Bush
A Bush
Armor Closet
Orb Of Saving
Glowing Togstone