

Cyan Bloodbane (Darkness Dragon)
Friday, April 6, 2018


DoomKnight Cloak
Defender's Dragon Ring XXIV
DoomKnight Helm
Defender's Dragon Necklace XXV
Baby Kraken VI
Four "Lucky" Wishbones
Defender's Dragon Belt XIII
Necrotic Sword of Doom
DoomKnight Armor
DoomKnight Variant One
Rose Chains IV
Red Head
Shocking Jack 'o Helm
Worshipper Mask
Cloak Scrap
Dagaz Runed Pendant
Pandora's Black Pendant
Breeze Essence (x10)
Defender's Medal (x860)
Scrap metal (x100)
Unlucky Doom Essence (x73)
X-Boost: Unlimited
Akriloth's Fervid Bane
Avatar's Winged Scythe
Blade of Janus
Carved Tooth Dagger
Death's Royal Scythe
Dragon Carving Blade X
Glaive of the Orb
Gouda Blade
Grenwog Dragon Egg Blade XI
Lush Oleanderium
Midnight Wish VIII
Reaper's Scythe I
Rhubarb's Booty Cutlass X
Rolith's Hammer of Protection
Shadow Hunter Ultra Sword

Bank Items

301st Elite Knight Cape
Ancient Shadow Warrior Armor
Arbitrator's Helm
Ateala Armament (x89)
Au'Bacon Mace IV
Beacon of Hope
Belt of Falconreach III
Big Daddy's Stylin' Hat
Blade of Valentine's Pride XI
Blighted Skull Ripper Helm
Blighted Zardbie Scythe
Blissful Starlight Sword
Bloody Point
Blue Carnaval Cape VIII
Blue Carnaval Helm VII
Blue Feathered Carnaval Cape VIII
Blue Feathered Carnaval Helm VII
Bright Golden Cloak
Chairman Mask
Chambered Eternity Love
Cherub Wings
Chi Blast
Chronomancer Armor
Cloak of Doom
Commemorative Birthday Helm IV
Commemorative Birthday Sword VI
Consuming Cursed Scimitar
Cornucopia Mace III
Crystal Frostval Scythe XII
Custom Bat Wings
Cysero's Baco-Rama III
Dad's Meat Mallet VI
Dark Justicar
Dark Noble Helm
Depleted Jump Pack
DrAEgon Scythe
Dragon Spike Cloak
DragonKnight Blade V
DragonKnight Cape V
DragonKnight Helm V
DragonLord Helm
Dragonlord's Loss
Drakonnan's Fiery Helm
Elite Custom HarleHelm
Elite Custom HarleQuape
Elite Mechpilot Helmet
Entropic Cape III
Extra Crispy Blade of Doom
Fallen Hero's Chain
Female Frost Moglin Helm VI
Fidelity’s Blessing V
Flare Imp
Flourishing Sakura Adornment
Flourishing Sakura Scythe
Flourishing Sakura Wrap
Forest's Edge
Forlorn Gloom Glaive
Fortune's Edge III
Found Blighted Ripper Wings
Fragrant Oleander Cape
Fragrant Oleander Veil
Frostskull Mace V
Frostskull Mace V
Frostval Ruby Helm VII
Frostval Top Hat
Frostvale Pine IV
Furious Wing Scythe
Gabriel's Wrath
Glaive of the Orb
Glaive of the Order
Gnomish Personal Steamtank Vr 1.0
Gold Laurels V
Gold Lorelympic Torch V
Golden Lights Blade
Golden Order Blade V
Grand Master Sword
Greedling Pet
Greydawn's Anniversary Cloak VI
Grisly ShadowReaper of Doom
Groundhog Amulet V
Harrowing Sword
High Edge of the Eclipse
High Hallow'd Edge
Icemaster Yeti Dragon Helm
Illuminated Crown of Sek Duat
Illuminated Wings of Light
Indecent Proposal
Infernal Spineripper
Judgement Wheel: Guilt
Judgement Wheel: Innocence
Kara's Wings V
Kathool Adept Armor
Lavis Helm
Leftover Sword Mk. V
Limnal Monolith Mace
Lovely Time Sword X
Lucky Water Dragon Scythe
Magic Frostval Cloak
Malich's Retribution
Marshmallow Pip
Master CorDemi Codex
Metatron's Wrath
Mr. Mangles
My Tiny Void Pwny III
Naner Six
Nick's Toasty Cape VIII
Noble TerraStag Horns
Noisome Navette
Nursey's Wedding Wreath
Obsidian Dragon Helm
Obsidian Dragon Wings
OverCharged Circuit Breaker
Overclocked Millisecond Hand
Pallor's Frozen Blade VI
Petrified DragonLion's Flowing Mane
Pink Carnaval Cape VIII
Pink Carnaval Helm VII
Pink Feathered Carnaval Cape VIII
Pink Feathered Carnaval Helm VII
Pirate Monkey Captain
Plushie Artix
Plushie Cysero
Plushie Seppy
Plushie Tomix
Power of the Avatars
Prankster's Wolfaxe
Proficient Orchidea
Rainbow Saber VIII
Resplendent Caliburn
Revered Ancient Ninja Terrapin
Rockin' Headphones III
Rod of the Oculus
Rose Executioner Blade X
Rose Magus Wrap V
Salvaged Strike VI
Shining Eternal Hourglass Sword VI
Shockingly Awesome Hair
Silvered Bells Cape X
Sneegion Minion
Snowpacolypse Day Scythe V
Solid Gold Tog
Spiraling Eternity Key
Stately Raven's Wing
Stratospheric Tachi
Stygian Harvester Wings
Stylish Hat with Long Hair
Summon Gem - Reaver
Sword of Falconreach IX
The Rose
Thyton's Magitech Scythe
Togrider General
Triks the Moglin
Ultimate Dragon Amulet Scythe of Elementals
Ultimate Dragon Helm VII
Ultimate Dragon Wings X
Ultimate Pumpkin Edge
Ultimate Twin Blades of Glory
Ultra Custom HarleHelm 2010
Ultra Custom HarleQuape 2010
Upright Blinding Light of Destiny
Uriel's Wrath
Victory Sword III
Voidling Helm IV
Windy Sakura Adornment
Wings of The Hundred Infernos
Winning Luck O' the Sneevish
Zurvana's Wrath

War Records

War at the Core
45 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Full Moon
17 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Save The Moglins
8 waves, 0 Moglins Saved
Frostval 13
21 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
13th 13th
128 waves, 3 Waves Defeated
War of The Dragon Roses
44 waves, 0 Rose Waves
War of the Dragon Roses
36 waves, 0 Dragon Waves
Winged Darkness
63 waves, 0 Winged Darkness Waves
100 waves, 2 Turducken Waves
Ebil War
338 waves, 6 Ebil Waves Defeated
Wrath of Wargoth
758 waves, 0 Wrath Wave
Rising Fire
67 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Lucky Day War 2012
35 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Rift War
358 waves, 5 Waves Defeated
Zardbie War 2011
271 waves, 1 Waves Defeated
Friday the 13th 2011
1001 waves, 20 Waves Defeated
Hiding the Blade of Awe
79 waves, 0 Locations Searched
Lucky Day War 2011
464 waves, 0 Rainbow Shards


Sandsea Tower
Popsrocket House
Grenwog Cave
Dragonsgrasp House
DragonLord Castle

House Items

Necropolis Window
Fancy Bed
Alchemy Lab
Potion Chest
Cysero's Left Sock
Marble Floor
Healing Pad
Artix Statue
Mini Giant-Cysero Statue
Necro U Handbook
Galanoth Ice Sculpture
Armor Closet
Orb Of Saving
Dancing Mushroom
Signed Safiria Portrait
Cysero Lure
Plushie Cabinet
Miniature Minotaur
Memento Mori
Sneak Attack Landscape
Landscape Scene 2
Sunshine Slime
Hole in the ground
Dragonsgrasp Couch
Dragonsgrasp Bed
Dragonsgrasp Window
Dragonsgrasp Fireplace
Dragonsgrasp Alchemy Shelf
Dragonsgrasp Fountain
Dragonsgrasp Copper Fountain
Dragonsgrasp Counter
Golden Slide Window
Golden Slide Portal
Golden Slide Simple Portal
Sitting Golden Zorbak
Standing Golden Zorbak
Left Golden Zorbak
Right Golden Zorbak
Pot O' Gold