Draco (Light Dragon)
Friday, June 26, 2009
Magic Frostval Cloak Icemaster Yeti Dragon Helm The Second Frost Giant Nature's Wrap Attacker's Band Defender's Dragon Ring V Chef's Hat Undead Slayer Badge (x2) Zixcy Cinch of Balance Contamination Edgars Blade Guardian Blade Killer Carrot Recyklon Rod ShadowReaper of Doom Shining Duo Shouting Broadsword Superior Shimmer Sword of Falconreach IV The Commander's Scepter The Golden Falcon The Third Frost Giant
Hamelin Style
House Items
Guardian Tower Window
Guardian Tower Window
Fancy Bed
White Couch
Basic Chair
Basic End Table
Golden Table
Basic Column
Book Pile
Dragon Nest
Basic Dresser
Guardian Shield
Guardian Tile