Yoshi (Light Dragon)
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Beams of Celerita Ring of Recklessness Dragonmaster's Helm Defender's Dragon Necklace VI Helmsmen's Rig Fighter's Worth Angler 301st Elite Knight Cape Cloak of Doom Magic Frostval Cloak Frostval Top Hat Grand Guardian Helm Helm Of 300 Flames Chef's Hat Defender's Medal (x35) Ice Dragon Scale Unlucky Doom Essence Emperor Linus Pristine Dragon Snowman ChaosMoon Edge IV Elite Notas Guided Blinding Light of Destiny Harvest Edge V High Hallow'd Edge Serpentine Blade Sword of the Amulet The Third Frost Giant The Warlord's Scepter Unlucky ShadowReaper of Doom
Bank Items
Depleted Jump Pack Elite Mechpilot Helmet Frostvale Pine IV Gary's Sword Master CorDemi Codex
War Records
Friday the 13th 2011 5 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Villager Style
Hamelin Style
Gothic Style
House Items
Guardian Tower Window
Shadow of the Wind Village
Make done war! Poster