Decessus (Light Dragon)
Saturday, January 13, 2024
DoomKnight Cloak Defender's Dragon Ring I DoomKnight Helm Defender's Dragon Necklace I Dragon's Rage Belt of Falconreach III Necrotic Sword of Doom Ancient Exosuit Dimensional Transphaser DoomKnight Armor enTropy Epoch Icebound Revenant Kathool Adept Armor Pyromancer Reforged Avatar of Time Reforged Chronomancer Reforged TimeKiller 301st Elite Knight Cape Bloodfarer Cape II Bloodfarer Cape IX Fancy Dragon's Wings Frostvale Dragon Cloak Magic Frostval Cloak Protectorate Shell Pilgrim's Band Bloodfarer Visage II Bloodfarer Visage IX Helm Of 300 Flames Icemaster Yeti Dragon Helm Maple of Independence Helm Mirrored DragonLord Helm Nivalis Mask Prismatic Galea Regis Supersized Chocolate Chip Cookiehelm Badge of Valor Charnel DoomKnight Catalyst Defender's Medal (x5) X-Boost: Unlimited King Linus PoeLala Pridelord Zixcy Dragon's Patience Radiant Shimmer Frost Belt of Power Rose's Golden Tempus Sash Apsaydaaun Pumpcake Scepter Ashita's Horns ChaosMoon Stave II Dragon Head Blade III Dragonlord's Loss Exalted Moonstriker Fancy Vampire's Cane Freedom Frostvale Pine IV Full Silver Grand Wrath of Flame Master CorDemi Codex Scythe of the Unhallowed II Scythe of the Unhallowed IX ShadowReaper of Doom Skybreaker Sword of Eye-Rule Sword of Falconreach IV The Third Frost Giant Solo Adagio
War Records
Friday the 13th: EbilTreats 5 waves, 1 Waves Defeated