Gallus Magnus (Light Dragon)
Sunday, May 12, 2013
301st Elite Knight Cape Defender's Dragon Ring I Big Daddy's Stylin' Hat Defender's Dragon Necklace III Rare Pet Wyvern Shining Paladin Belt +5 Sharp Pointy Stick of Poking Blessing of the Northern Wind Grandma's Sweater Batwing Helm Helm Of 300 Flames Helper's Cap Irismancer's Dragon Helm Spectrus Guard Aeris PvP Trophy (x28) Black Pearl Defender's Medal (x34) Purified Bloodgem Shard (x11) Slay Bell (x4) Undead Slayer Badge (x34) Unlucky Doom Essence (x4) Black Ice Pwny Gift Box Rare Pet Tog Scary Doll Belt of Falconreach III Frost Belt of Power Dark ShadowReaper of Doom Demento's Gleaming Staff Dragon Head Blade III Edgars Blade Exalted Moonstriker Grand Wrath of Flame Guardian Blade Harvest Edge V Kessel Sword Master CorDemi Codex Nature's Wrath Shining Duo Sword of Eye-Rule Sword of Falconreach IV Sword of Tears The Third Frost Giant