Degei (Energy Dragon)
Monday, January 19, 2009
Phantom Roc Wings Defender's Dragon Ring XI Defender's Dragon Necklace XI Cinch of Balance Kilguin Fillet Blade Golden Condor Wings Wicked Nightraptor Wings Golden Helm of Nobility Shining Battlespell Helm Wicked Warlord Helmet Defender's Medal (x6) Slay Bell (x4) Special Dragon Chow (x11) Pristine Dragon Snowman ChamPAIN Skullcracker IV Claw of Might Contamination Cysero's Defender Sword Dread ShadowReaper of Doom Guardian Blade Guided Blinding Light of Destiny Harvest Edge V Octopieces Prankster's Wolfaxe Reaper's Axe V Serpentine Blade Tusker Blade of the North Wind