

Ob Nixilis (Ice Dragon)
Friday, February 4, 2022


Nick's Toasty Cape VIII
Tentacle of the Dominion III
Ancient DragonLord Helm III
Defender's Dragon Necklace XXXV
Elemental Unity Defender XV
Defender's Dragon Belt XXIII
Frostscythe III
Draconic Glowtooth
Astravian Wings I
Chaosweaver's Cloak III
Daatael's Wings
DragonKnight Cape
Invisible Cape
Relic DeathKnight Cloak
Soulmender's Cloak III
The Hidebehind VIII
Wings of The Thousand Infernos
Wings of the Unraveler III
Akaz's Ampoule Ring IX
Defender's Dragon Ring XXXII
Dreamglass Ring IX
Relic DeathKnight Circlet
Soulforged Ring (Blue)
Baltael's Aventail (END/WIS) II
Boxhat IX
Dead Drop Bear Hat IX
Distorted Doom Visage III
DragonKnight Helm
DragonLord Captain's Helm IV
Drakonnan's Warhelm III
Invisible Helm
Magi Guard Helm III
Tytanvisage Helm (Vind) VII
Vilmor's Helm III
Zeclem's Helm
Shattered Amulet VII
Slimy Necklace
Squirrel Tentacle IV
Tizheruk Scale IX
Zeclem's Heirloom
Defender's Medal (x6581)
Firmament Stability Core
Baby Chimera
Defender Cannon Mk. IV
The Corrupted Seven
Uaanta's Blaster IV (Amalgam)
Vaal's Ego
Grimoire of the Lich III
Inlaid Trithril Belt
Mage's Challenger Belt V
Ogorek's Treasure
Warrior's Challenger Belt V
Zeclem's Belt
Ancient Frost Moglin Staff IX
Antithesis Staff IX
Astravian Wingstaff I
Basic CorDemi Codex
Blade of Awe
Cobalt Lights Knife
Dagger of the Amulet
Doom Blade of Sorrows
Doomed Dragon Amulet Scythe of Elementals
Doomed Dragon Amulet Scythe of the Elements IX
DragonKnight Blade
Elite Wand of the Sunken Rose III
Escelense Dragon Defender Blade I
Exalted Apotheosis
Forced Reflection VII
Forgotten Spear
Ice Scythe
Jade Cleaver of the Lone Tree
Lost Starsword of Destiny
Lost Starsword of Doom
Lucky Hammer
Mooncaller Staff
Necro Paragon Soulblade IV
Necrotic Sword of Doom
Scythe of the Unhallowed IX
Sea Chicken's Conquest III
SoulForged Staff
Staff of the North I
Thawsprout Staff
The Quadstaff I
Ultimate Brand of Glory
Ultimate DragonStaff of Destiny
Ultra OmniKnight Blade
Verraad III
Vile Infused Rose Spear I
Warlic's Gift III
Zeclem's Blade

Bank Items

20-Watt Brightbulb
Abyssal Elf Scepter VII
Ace of Hearts
Adventure Pack
Aeris PvP Trophy (x7)
Aika Backguard
Aika Feathers
Amber Staff of the Harvest V
Ancient Dragon Amulet Scythe of the Elements
Ancient Dragon Scales
Ancient Dragon Scales
Ancient Dragon Scales
Ancient Dragon Scales
Ancient Dragon Scales
Ancient Dragon Scales
Ancient Dragon Scythe of the Elements
Ancient Exosuit
Andazoth's Necklace
Antithesis Edge IX
Apsaydaaun Bubble Mask
Apsaydaaun Harvester IX
Archivist's Cap L IV
Archivist's Cap S IV
Artix's Cape
Ascended ChickenCow Armor
Ascended Wings
Aspenvale Academy Uniform
Aspenvale Backpack
Aspenvale Backpack (Aegis)
Aspenvale Backpack (Alz'ein)
Aspenvale Backpack (Aria)
Aspenvale Backpack (Ash)
Aspenvale Backpack (Jaania)
Aspenvale Backpack (Tomix)
Aspenvale Backpack (Victoria)
Aspenvale Backpack (Yashta)
Astravian Helm I
Ateala Soldier's Helm VII
Atrea Dream Wings I
Au'Bacon Staff I
Aurite Staff IX
Autumn's Grace IX
Avatar of Time
Azaveyran Farewell III
Baltael's Aventail (LUK/CHA) II
Black Cowboy Hat
Blessing of Kyanos IX
Blooddrop Blade IX
Blooddrop Staff VII
Bloodfarer Cape IX
Bloodfarer Visage IX
Blue Dahlia Cloak VIII
Blue Dahlia Cowl VIII
Blue Dahlia Reaper VIII
Bone Caster's Staff VIII
Book of the Sun
Boxhat IX
Boxhat IX
Boxhat IX
Boxhat IX
Braided Hair Poker Cap VI
Bronze Ninja Token (x469)
Brutal Cultist Hood
Card Master
Carved Dragon Scale V
Chaosweaver Armor
Chaosweaver's Hood III
Cheshire Twilly
Chi Blast
Chibi Envy
Chibi Gluttony
Chibi Greed
Chibi Lust
Chibi Pandora (C)
Chibi Pandora (P)
Chibi Pride
Chibi Sloth
Chibi Wrath
ChickenCow Armor
ChronoZ Visor Version TK.0
Claw of the Enigmatic Star
Cloak of Change
Cloak of Hyonix
Cloak of Hyonix (Dragonsoul)
Cloak of The Tulip IX
Cloak Scrap
Commemorative Birthday Daggers XII
Commemorative Birthday Helm VII
Commemorative Birthday Staff XII
Commemorative Birthday Staff XII
Commemorative Birthday Sword XII
Consuming Adept Catalyst
Corrupt Skullstaff of Doom
Corrupted Doom Cassette
Corrupted Entropic Essence
Corrupted Entropic Essence
Corrupted Entropic Essence
Count's Cape
Crabastian I
Creatioux Claw III
Crossbones Captain Hat
Crown of the Emperor
Crymson Tear I
Crymson Tear III
Crystal Notched Belt V
Curious Togwool
Custom Bat Wings
Cysero's Hamstergeddon
Deatharrows Courageous Helm
DeathKnight Cloak
Debris Appendages
Demnra's Deception IX
Diamond Ring of the Emperor
Dimensional Transphaser
Doom Dragon Scythe
Doom Dragon Wings
Doom Embraced Dragonscale
Doom Figmini
Doomed Poleaxe
DoomKnight Armor
DoomKnight Cloak
DoomKnight Helm
Draconic Brightspark IX
Draconic Dimshadow IX
Dragon Blade
Dragon CC Ninja Mask
Dragon Eye VI
Dragon Mage Hood V
Dragon Mage Hood VI
Dragon Mage Wings I
Dragon Oculus VI
Dragon Orbit VI
Dragon's Bulwark
Dragon's Wrath
DragonLord Vath Helm
DragonLord Vath Sword
DragonLord Vath Wings
DragonLord's Travel Cloak IV
Dragonscale Necklace
Dragonscale Necklace
Drakonnan's Armored Helm
Dravalkyrie VIII
Dravir Warhelm VIII
Dust of the Labyrinth
Dust of the Labyrinth
Dust of the Labyrinth
Earthvessel Dagger IX
Earthvessel Harpoon IX
Earthvessel Rapier IX
Elemental Unity
Elemental Unity
Emerald Staff of Purity
Emperor Linus
Erythrocitrus Band IX
Escelense Dragon Defender Cape I
Escelense Dragon Defender Staff I
Eternal Locket
Evolved ChickenCow Armor
Ex's Calibur of Love VII
Exalted Artillery Shard
Exalted Biomass (x3)
Exalted Forgemetal (x20)
Exalted Spear
Extra Fluffy Tog III
Ezrajal Mask
Facet of Hyonix IX
Feathers of Pride A
Fierce BraveSirRobin Cat
Fierce DragonLord Helm
Fire Gem (x2)
Flamewrath Phoenix Wings
Fractured Staff IV
Fragment of Ethereal Rage
Fragment of Ethereal Woe (x3)
Frost Dragon Head Blade VIII
Frost Moglin Knight's Cloak VIII
Frost Moglin Knight's Glaive VIII
Frostfyre's Cestus
Frozen Spirit Dagger IX
Frozen Spirit Staff IX
Frozen Spirit Sword IX
Frydae Mask
Frydae's Regal Cane
Fulgurite Ring V
Fulgurite Ring VII
Galaxy Cloak
Galaxy Cowl
Gambler Wings
Garnet Cowl
Glamorstone Necklace
Gnarly Guitar of Doom IV
Gold Ninja Token (x37)
Golden Dravir Helm VII
Golden Eyeball
Goldfish Knight VII
Gorillaphant Hair Belt
Grenwog Jr
Grimey Ring
Grove Tender Blade
Grove Tender Blade
Grove Tender Twigs
Grove Tender Twigs
Grove Tender Visage
Grove Tender Visage
Grub Necklace V
Hacked Magi Drone
Hanzamune Dragon Koi Blade
Harmonized Cowbell 1001
Hawk's Calling VIII
Heart's Whisper IX
Heartseeker's Helm IX
Helm of Autumn's Call IX
Helm of Hyonix
Helm of Hyonix (Dragonsoul)
Hero's Brick
Hive Ranger's Halberd
Hive Ranger's Helm
Hive Ranger's Wings
Honda's Legacy
Horn of Dolaas
Horn of Hatir
Horn of Hatir
Hourglass of the Dead X
Hovering Rocks I
Icebound Crown
Icebound Revenant
Icy Battle Cloak V
Ink Spire III
Jadesoul Tiger Cloak
Joker's Madness
Judgement Wheel: Guilt
Judgement Wheel: Innocence
Kathool Adept Armor
Lagohmcraft Protector (Vind) VI
Larein's Helm VII
Leaf of Flux III
Leechscale Binding VII
Legion Fiend Blade IX
Legion Fiend Spear IX
Legion Slasher IX
Legion Sunderer IX
Leorilla Mane Belt IV
Lich Core
Lightblade Caliburn X
LightGlaive Orden
Lockblade IX
Long Forgotten Spear
Lost Crystalline Orb
Lost Elf's Belt
Lost Pocket Mirror
Lost Pocket Mirror
Lost Pocket Mirror
Lost Pocket Mirror
Lost Pocket Mirror
Lost Starhelm of Destiny
Lost Starhelm of Doom
Magester's Keepsake
Magicalllll Frostval Cloak
Mahanaem Mask
Majjical Owl Wings VII
Manabelle Mask
Manawood Staff I
Mask of Akaz
Mask of Al'nold
Mask of Majji
Mask of the Dread Pirate
Mechanical Ring VII
Meowphant's Mettle IV
Mewphant IX
Mightiest 100k Scythe
Mint Cream Staff IX
Mirror Eye Trinket
Mirrored DragonLord Helm
Mirrored DragonLord's Wings
Moglinberry Cider Keg
Moglinberry Cider Mug Shiv
Moglinberry Cider Mug Staff
Moglinberry Cider Mug Sword
Mooncaller Scimitar
Moonsabre Staff
Murk Mask
Mysterious Joker
Mystical Card
Navigator's Hat V
Navigator's Hat VI
Necro Paragon Armor
Necro Paragon Cape IV
Nightweaver's Wings
Not-So-Tiny Bubbles
Notha's Fatecaster
Notha's Fatecrusher
Notha's Fatepiercer
Obsidian Dragon Staff III
Opalescent Cowl
Ostara's Cull IX
Ostara's Dracobunny
Ostara's Egg (x2)
Overgourd Cover
Overgrown Signet VII
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Pandora's Scythe III
Party Tog
Personal Feargeist
Pirate's Bandana
Pirate's Bane V
Poison Ward Amulet IV
Poker Titfer VI
Pork Rind Ribbon
Present on a Stick
Primal Corrupt Essence (x20)
Prince Eulin Facsimile
Psionic Ratchet III
Puzzling Cards
Radiant Dravir Warhelm
Radiant Wings of Light
Rainbow's Edge
Rainbow's End IX
Ranger's Cloak
Ranger's Cover
Rathon - Focus of Change IX
Reflective Polygonal Sphere of Many Lights
Reforged Avatar of Time
Reforged Chronocorruptor
Reforged Chronomancer
Reforged ChronoZ
Refraction Pendant VII
Remthalas Mask
Replica DragonLord Helm III
Restored Experimental Visage
Revolving Rifleblade
Ribbon of Compromise V
Ring of Otherworld II
Rogue's Challenger Belt V
Rose Engraved Broadsword VII
Rose Engraved Fauchard VII
Rose Engraved Misericorde VII
Rose Magus Wrap V
Rose Pillow VII
Rose Researcher's Mask
Royal Astravian Catalyst
Samaranth Mask
Sapphire Hood
Scarab Band
Scarab Hood
Sciuridaehotep Mask
Scythe of the New Dawn IX
Scythe of the Soul's Song
Sea Chicken's Conquest III
Sea Chicken's Conquest III
Sepulchure's Helm
Sepulchure's Helm
Serenity's Grace
Severice Scythe
ShadowWalker of Time
ShadowWalker's Visage I
Shapeless Idol V
Shark Fin
Shattered Summon Gem - Ayauhnqui
Shattered Summon Gem - Ayauhnqui
Shrouded Shard
Shrouded Shard
Shrouded Shard
Silver Ninja Token (x130)
Sluagh Sidhe IV
Smuggler's Stormpather VII
Soaring Heart Scythe IX
Soaring Heart Wings IX
Soul Harvester Wings
Soulforged Amulet (Purple)
Soulforged Amulet (Yellow)
Soulforged Ring (Red)
SoulForged Scythe
Soulsmith's Cloak III
Soulthread of The Unraveler
Soulthread of The Unraveler
Soulthread of The Unraveler
Soulthread of The Unraveler
Soulthread of The Unraveler
Soulthread of The Unraveler
Soulweaver's Cloak III
Sovereign Wings
Spear of Lumina
Spectral DeathKnight Catalyst
Spider Web Cape
Spider Web Cape
Spiked Leather Gauntlet
Squirrel Tentacle I
Staff of Inversion IX
Stan the ScanOrb
Stark Physis VIII
Static Sphere VII
Strange Broken Tool
Stylish Vampire Cape
Summon Gem - Ayauhnqui EX
Summon Gem - Illumina
Summon Gem - Illumina EX
Summon Gem - Intaym EX
Summon Gem - Reaver
Summon Gem - Reaver EX
Summon Gem - Ricterild
Summon Gem - Ricterild EX
Summon Gem - Roktoru
Summon Gem - Roktoru EX
Summon Gem Setting - Illumina
Summon Gem Setting - Reaver
Summoner's Conduit: Crystal & Stone
Summoner's Conduit: Crystal & Stone
Summoner's Conduit: Crystal & Stone
Sun God Cape
Sun God Cape
Sun God Cape
Sun God Scythe
Sun God Scythe
Sun God Scythe
Sun God Visor
Sun God Visor
Sun God Visor
Sundragon Pendant VIII
Sunken Plunderer IX
Sword of Unity I
Swordhaven Badge (The Vind)
Tarnished Crystal
Tentacle of the Dominion I
Thawsprout Blade
Thawsprout Dagger
The Baroness Courageous Helm
The Baroness Fearless Helm
The Eraglass
The Professor's Safety Helm IV
The Puppetmaster X
The Quadstaff III
The Threadcutter IX
The Tulip's Cowl IX
Thorn Replica VII
Thorn Replica VII
Time Killer Headgear
Time Reaper's Cowl X
Time's Harvest IX
Timewarped Medal (x34)
Togrider General
Tragedy Mask
Tragic Cloak
Tranquility of the Self
Tranquility of the Self
Trithril Armored Belt
Trithril Mesh Circlet
Trouble Mask
Turdraken Wyvernling
Twilly's Staff
Twisted Axe Blade
Twisted Metal Pieces
Twisted Metal Pieces
Twisted Metal Pieces
Twisted Metal Pieces
Twisted Metal Pieces
Twisted Metal Pieces
Tyr - Lance of Change IX
Tytanbone Pack VIII
Ultimate Blinding Light of Destiny
Ultimate Pony Shank
Ultimate Twin Blades of Destiny
Unael Protectorate IX
Uncalabra I
Uncalabra III
Undercover Daimyo
Unnecessarily Ornate Useless Weapon Just For Show
Uragiri I
Uragiri III
Vanilla Ice Katana
Vayhu Mask
Verraad I
Verraad II
Visage of Change
Visage of the Unraveler
Void Chitin Band I
Voodoo Master Mask
Voyna Mask
Warbeast Residue (x44)
Wargoth's Forged Visage IV
Warlic's Gift I
Warped Summon Gem - Intaym
Weaver Cloak III
Weaver Cowl III
Weaver's Facade X
Well Worn Lucky Cap
Wings of Ezrajal I
Wings of Samaranth I
Wings of The Hundred Infernos
Wings of Yaphael I
Winter's Cull IX
Winter's Harbinger IX
Winter's Shawl IX
Wolfwing's Wings
Wolfwing's Wings
World Destroyer Wings
X-Boost: Unlimited (x10)
Yaphael Mask
Yarek's Staff IX
Zkull Mask

War Records

The Maleurous: Reckoning
293 waves, 4 Waves Defeated
A Friendly Contest
1300 waves, 50 Waves Defeated
The Great Giftnapping
5300 waves, 271 Gifts Liberated
The Angel of Azaveyr
4701 waves, 379 Waves Defeated
Archive E-189-L
10001 waves, 270 Paths Cleared
Frostval 2019
10001 waves, 166 Waves Defeated
Song of the Ateala
5300 waves, 91 Waves Defeated
The Snowpeak War
1 waves, 0 Waves Defeated


Ravenloss House
Gothic Style
Edelia House

House Items

Brown Chair
Gold Table with Roses
Potion Chest
Dragon Nest
Lava Lakes
Sandsea Plaque
Large Grey Area Rug
Broken Healing Pad
Inn Table
Dragonscale Rug
Armor Closet
Memento Mori
Yix statue
Togrider Toy
Traveler's Gryphon Statue
Statue of Pandora
Candlelit Gourd-o-Lantern
Ravenloss Light Left
Ravenloss Light Right
Fiery Sconse
Fiery Sconse
Ravenloss Window Left
Ravenloss Window Right
Ravenloss Scythes
Bone Wings
Imaru and Serenity
Elegant Rug
Elegant Rug
Sand Dune
Tapestry of the Capitol
Dark Night Trophy
Twigsmas Strawberry Trophy
Pellow Village
Storybook Collection
Hanging Vines
Tapestry of Pelekoa
Training Dummy
Armor Portal Statue
Greenscreen Mirror