Dazzle (Light Dragon)
Friday, February 7, 2025
Dragon Spike Cloak Lucky Charm III Mirrored DragonLord Helm Soul Purifier Beastly Waist Wrap Dark Moon Rising III Angler DoomKnight Armor DoomKnight Variant One enTropy Ancient Deathknight Cloak DoomKnight Cloak Ivy Cloak Magic Frostval Cloak Mechawings Necromancer Cape Vampire Cape Electric Orbit Freezing Ring Golden Wedding Ring Ring of the Ember Ring Of The Very Short Ice Mage Ancient Deathknight Helm Anubis Burial Mask Chocobunny Helm DoomKnight Helm Ice Tusk Helm Icemaster Yeti Dragon Helm IceSeer's Helm Rotted Death Head The Helmet of Ra Tomix Hair III Beryl Necklace Jinxie Charm X-Boost: Unlimited Adorable Baby Dracolich Pet Emperor Linus PoeLala Lightning Circuit Skull Crusher Blaster Creatioux Circle Cysero's Hamstergeddon Deep Blue Something Dragon Head Blade IV Dread Bandit's Sword Final DeathKnight Blade Gift From Beyond Golden Order Blade II Harvest Edge V Heartless ShadowReaper of Doom High Hallow'd Edge Ionic Blade Necrotic Sword of Doom Spineshank Daggers II Xan's Revenge
Bank Items
Adorable Baby Dracolich Pet Advanced Spectrus Sword Blade of Rejoicing ChamPAIN Skullcracker III Chef's Hat Claw of Might Dark Draconis Tenebras Defender's Medal (x75) Detective's Cap III Dread Skull King Elucidas' Platinum Sword Fifth Golden Ring Fire Gem (x6) First Golden Ring Fortune's Edge III Fourth Golden Ring Frostvale Pine III Gary's Sword Gilded Machete Grandfather Clock Ring Greater Arborius Greater Galvanized Blade Gud Wun Gunmetal Wings of Wind Ice Dragon Scale (x2) Icebound Cobalt Dragon Helm Jacksparrow Li'l Squall II Linus Lucky Charm IV Musty Parasol I New(t) Sash Research Materials Rhyolite Edge Runemaster Save Our Sneevils Sign II Sea Cutlass Second Golden Ring Sepulchure's Helm Shatterflash Silk Cravat Spyblade of Static II Stone of Falconreach Tower Sword of the Amulet III Thank you Note Third Golden Ring Togsmas Scythe Uroboros Hoop III Vilmor's HeadGuard IV Voidsplinter Crystal II
War Records
DragonRider War 3 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Ebil War 21 waves, 0 Ebil Waves Defeated Friday the 13th 2011 5 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Villager Style
House Items
Arena Banner
Guardian Tower Window
Guardian Tower Window
Dragon Nest
Dragon Statue
Dragon Fireplace
Shadow of the Wind Village
Sandstone Floor
Small Grey Area Rug
Dragonscale Rug
Dragon Amulet Rug
Magic Mirror
Armor Closet
Camouflage Couch
Dragummy Action Figure
Togzilla Toy
Miniature Bassault
Hydra Memorial Poster
Memento Mori
Sneak Attack Landscape