Schlurp JR (Ice Dragon)
Friday, November 1, 2024
Dragon's Rage DoomKnight Armor DoomKnight Variant One Elpis Ultimate Dragon Wings VI Wings of the Unraveler III Defender's Dragon Ring XXXI Baltael's Aventail (Master) Crown of the Core V Cute Chickencow Hat Distorted Doom Visage III Doomstalker Magi Guard Helm III Mushroom Cap VII Royal Doom Defender's Dragon Necklace XXXIV Slimy Necklace II Badge of the Dragon Vanquisher Bronze Ninja Token (x106) Charm of the Makers Dark Crystal (x5) Doomwood Badge (The Vind) Firmament Stability Core Forgotten Dream Fragment of Ethereal Woe Gold Ninja Token (x10) Headmaster's Loomshard Incomplete Lagohm Backpiece Memory Fragment VII Mysterious Helm Template Primal Corrupt Essence (x36) Proclamation Medal (SH) (x10) Rusty Weapon Token Silver Ninja Token (x26) Spirit Cast Swordhaven Badge (The Vind) Swordhaven Tytan's Tooth Tattered Pages (Voyna) Timewarped Medal (x2) Uncorrupted Dragon Tooth Willow Bark Medicine Plushie Seppy Dragon's Bulwark Pirate's Booty Defender's Dragon Belt XXII Maeve's Tears IX Atrea Dream Edge IV Blades of The Great One (Vind) IV Doomed Longsword Exalted Apotheosis Forgotten Gloom Glaive Glaive of Eternal Peace IV Great Dragon's Claw III Necrotic Sword of Doom Sea Chicken's Conquest III Ultimate Blinding Light of Destiny Ultimate Dragon Amulet Scythe of Elementals Ultra OmniKnight Blade Verraad III Legion Bracer
Bank Items
Adorable Baby Dracolich Pet Akriloth's Bane III Akriloth's Fervid Bane Akriloth's Fierce Bane Ascended ChickenCow Armor Ascended Cover Avatar's Winged Scythe Broken Experimental Visage Chaosweaver Armor Charnel DoomKnight Catalyst Chi Blast Chibi Pandora (C) Chibi Pandora (P) Chickencow's Penance (Eggsalted) Chronocorrupter Edge Chronocorruptor Commemorative Birthday Helm IV Creatioux Claw I Creatioux Scale Dark Sepulchure Helm Death's Royal Scythe Decadere Carcass "Cape" VI Decadere Scale Decadere Youngling DoomKnight Cloak DoomKnight Helm Dracabbit IV Dream Embers Ebil Love VI Ebil Love VII Elemental Unity Emperor Linus enTropy Evil Pumpkin Head Evolved ChickenCow Armor Filament Filament Filament Filament Flare Imp Fragment of Ethereal Avarice Fragment of Ethereal Ego Fragment of Ethereal Hunger Fragment of Ethereal Jealousy Fragment of Ethereal Longing Fragment of Ethereal Rage Fragment of Ethereal Rest Frost Dragon Head Blade VI Frosty the Snowghoul Grim Draconis Tenebras Grim Entity's Edge Groundhog Wings I Harvest Reaper IV Icy Soulwoven Shard Kathool Adept Armor Li'l Squall III Lim's Hybrid Hammer VI Luminite Malich's Retribution Melissa's Wings VII Modified Power Core My Little Pegasus Mysterious Egg Nanotog Blade of Vengeance Necro Paragon Cape I Necro Paragon Helm I Otherworldly Amalgamation Pallor's Frozen Blade III Purified Doom Dragon Scales Pyromancer Reforged Archivist Reforged Chronocorruptor Rolith's Hammer of Protection Scrap metal (x100) Self-Containment Unit v15.05 Sentog Helm I Shadow Hunter Ultra Sword Shard of the Abyss Shockingly Amazing Hair Silk Cravat Sir Bearginion's Fur Sir Fluffykins V Sluagh Sidhe III Sneegion Minion Star Spangled Sword Summon Destiny Dragon Super Lucky Wyvern V Tangled Essence of Sinnocence The Final Sunrise IV Timetorn Teleshard (x3) Uaanta's Blaster IV (Doom) Undead Chickencow Valorous Twin Blades of Glory Void Chitin Band I Wargoth's Forged Visage I Warlic's Gift I Worshipper Mask Xan Mask
War Records
Togsday II 2019 waves, 29 Waves De-tog-ified Serenity Before The Storm 2 waves, 0 Waves Defeated War at the Core 1 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Full Moon 1 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Frostval 13 4 waves, 0 Waves Defeated 13th 13th 1 waves, 0 Waves Defeated War of the Dragon Roses 1 waves, 0 Dragon Waves Winged Darkness 6 waves, 2 Winged Darkness Waves Turducken 70 waves, 2 Turducken Waves Ebil War 509 waves, 1 Ebil Waves Defeated Wrath of Wargoth 675 waves, 0 Wrath Wave Rising Fire 85 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Lucky Day War 2012 8 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Rift War 68 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Zardbie War 2011 3 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Friday the 13th 2011 117 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
DragonLord Castle
Hamelin Style
House Items
Falconreach Window
Magic Mirror
Armor Closet
Orb Of Saving
ChickenCow Statue
Traveler's Gryphon Statue
The Purple Rug
The Purple Pillar
The Purple Sconse
Stomach Bed
Lung Cupboard
Kidney Chair
TogTog Heart
Tog Rug
Snowy Tog Rug
Dragonkeep Dragon Banner
Left Dragon Statue
Right Dragon Statue
Dragon Gargoyle
Outdoor Dragon Gargoyle