

Abyss (Light Dragon)
Sunday, July 28, 2024


World Destroyer Wings
Overgrown Signet VI
Atrea's Sentinel Helm IV
Magic Bean
Summon Gem - Reaver
Ribbon of Compromise IV
Necrotic Sword of Doom
Aspenvale Backpack (Victoria)
Tytanvisage Helm (Rose) I
Defender's Medal (x43)
Doomwood Badge (The Rose)
Lagohm Chassis Frame
Lagohm Gearcircuit
Lagohm Quick-Weld Wallpaste V.91662
Lupin's Blueprints
Nature Construct Core
Tarnished Crystal
Prince Eulin Facsimile
Stan the ScanOrb
Akriloth's Fervid Bane
Avatar's Winged Scythe
Blade of Destiny
Bullseye Spear
Consuming Cursed Scimitar
Dragon Eye V
Pirate Cutlass IX
Scythe of Liberty
Shining Eternal Hourglass Sword VI
The Magister

Bank Items

Antipode Broadsword VI
Atrea Dream Rod VI
Black Magester Veil VI
Black Runed Blade
Bloody Point
Blue Gummy and Apple Pop XI
Captured Sneegion Minion
Chained Blaze
Charmed Gambler Wings
Crystal Necklace
Dad's Meat Mallet IX
Dark Gummy and Raspberry Pop XI
Dark Justicar
Death's Royal Scythe
Dragon Mage Hood V
Eternal Hourglass Cape IV
Eternal Hourglass Cape IV
Euclid's Nightmare VI
Evolved ChickenCow Armor
Fiery Gummy and Cinnamon Pop XI
Fighters Ex's Calibur X
Ghost's Blade of Spooky Hotness
Glaive of the Dark Orb
Glaive of the Orb
Golden Dravir Helm V
Green Gummy and Lemon Pop XI
Guise of the Unchained
Harrowing Hammer
Harrowing Sword
Joker's Madness
King Blade of Clubs
King Blade of Diamonds
King Blade of Hearts
King Blade of Spades
Linx Hero Hat Extreme
Melissa's Wings VI
Moglinberry Cider Mug
Molten Magma Cowl
Novenary Frost Giant
Orange Gummy and Bubblegum Pop XI
Pallor's Frozen Blade V
Parrrrrotical Pete the Parrot
Pirate Monkey Fleet Commander
Poker Titfer VIII
Pristine Soul Harvester Wings
Ptoleme Sneevmole
Pumpkin Leaf Point
Pumpkinator Polearm
Pumpkinator's Edge
Puzzling Card
Rainbow Saber VIII
Rolith's Hammer of Protection
Rotazoru Helm III
Shadow Hunter Ultra Sword
Shapeless Idol II
SoulSmith Sword XI
Spiky Haired Poker Cap VIII
Staff of Mana
SteamGear Staff
Systerity Sword IV
Teeny Squishie
The Glory of Twilly VIII
TimeShift Scythe
Ultimate Pumpkin Edge
Ultimate Twin Blades of Glory
Unchained Blade
Undead Obsidian Dragon Edge
UWE Championship Ring V
Vampire Wings
Vanilla Ice Katana I
Warrior of Chaos IV
Wooden Sword of Doom IV
Woses IV

War Records

Song of the Ateala
3 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
The Dark Night
1 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Serenity Before The Storm
2 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Frostval 13
1 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
War of The Dragon Roses
25 waves, 0 Rose Waves
Winged Darkness
7 waves, 0 Winged Darkness Waves
2 waves, 0 Turducken Waves
Ebil War
1 waves, 0 Ebil Waves Defeated
Wrath of Wargoth
31 waves, 0 Wrath Wave
Rising Fire
1001 waves, 13 Waves Defeated
Lucky Day War 2012
1001 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Rift War
2 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Friday the 13th 2011
14 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Lucky Day War 2011
3 waves, 0 Rainbow Shards


Gothic Style II
Villager Style II
Hamelin Style II

House Items

PVP Banner
Basic Bed
Basic Bonsai Table
Basic Column
Basic Column
Shadow of the Wind Village
Old Checkered Floor
Large Light Grey Area Rug
Broken Healing Pad
Inn Table
Dragesvard painting
Magic Mirror
Orb Of Saving
Antique Bookshelf
Zeuster Figurine
Knife Rack
Dark Night Trophy