Draco (Ice Dragon)
Saturday, February 3, 2024
Tytanbone Pack IX Void Chitin Band IV Atgno Infused Rose Helm Mwclis Mwrn VIII The Corrupted Seven Honey Laden Girdle V The Quadstaff III Legion Bracer Chaosweaver's Cloak III Elpis Relic DeathKnight Cloak The Hidebehind VIII Wings of The Thousand Flames Relic DeathKnight Circlet Tentacle of the Dominion III Ancient DragonLord Helm III Baltael's Aventail (END/WIS) II Drop Bear Hat IX Relic DeathKnight Helm Vilmor's Helm III Defender's Dragon Necklace XXXV Relic DeathKnight Amulet Slimy Necklace IV Forgotten Dream Baby Chimera Stan the ScanOrb Defender's Dragon Belt XXIII Ogorek's Treasure Relic DeathKnight Belt Blade of Awe VIII Exalted Apotheosis Frostscythe III Ice Scythe VIII Relic DeathKnight Blade Uragiri III
Bank Items
Ace of Clubs Ace of Hearts Ace of Spades Akaz's Ampoule Ring IX Akriloth's Fervid Bane Alexander's Scarf Antithesis Staff IX Artix's Cape Ascended ChickenCow Armor Ateala Soldier's Helm VII Avatar's Winged Scythe Azure Gemmed Necklace Baby Kraken VI Bacon Bits Basic CorDemi Codex Battle-worn Doom Blade Beautiful Sakura Scythe Blazing Blade of the Primal Fire Blue Box III Boxhat IX Brilliant Bloodstone Ring Broken Experimental Visage Broken Experimental Visage Broken Experimental Visage Chaos Hydra Heart Chaosweaver Armor Cheesemonger's Gratitude Chibi Envy Chibi Gluttony Chibi Greed Chibi Lust Chibi Pandora (C) Chibi Pandora (P) Chibi Pride Chibi Sloth Chibi Wrath Chronocorruptor Chronokeeper XI Chronomancer Armor ChronoZ Claw of the Enigmatic Star Clawkin Cloak Clasp VII Commemorative Birthday Helm VII Commemorative Birthday Sword XII Crymson Tear III Cuddly Dracolich Death's Royal Scythe Decaying Ring Defender Cannon Mk. IV Demnra's Deception IX Diamond Ring of the Emperor Distorted Doom Visage III Doom Figmini Doomed Dragon Amulet Scythe of Elementals Doomed Longsword Doomed Poleaxe Dragon Blade I Dragon's Bulwark Dragon's Plume VI Dragon's Quill VI Dragon's Rage Dragon's Wing VI DragonKnight Blade I DragonKnight Cape V DragonKnight Helm V Dravir Warhelm VIII Dreamglass Ring IX Dreaming Togslayer Armor DRGN-C4P4C170R IX DRGN-C74W IX DRGN-V1Z0R VIII Ebil Incarnate Staff IV Ebil Love VII Elemental Unity Elite Axe of the Sunken Rose III Elite Wand of the Sunken Rose III Eternal Hourglass Cape IV Extra Fluffy Tog (Extreme) Eyes of the Seer Fierce DragonLord Helm Flying Saucer Belt IX Forced Reflection VII Fragment of Ethereal Woe Freedom Fulgurite Ring VII Furious Flame Claw Scythe Ghost's Blade of Spooky Hotness Glaive of the Orb Glamorstone Necklace Golden Dragon Tooth IX Golden Dravir Helm VI Green Tooth Necklace Grimey Ring Grimoire of the Lich III Grub Necklace V Hanzamune Dragon Koi Blade Harmonized Cowbell 1001 Heart Scale Heartseeker's Helm IX Hero's Heart Cleaver High Commander Helm Honda's Legacy Illuminated Techangel Wings Inert Staff of Inversion Ink Spire III Jeweled Seal Ring of Wall Joker's Madness King Blade of Clubs Lagohmcraft Protector (Vind) VI Leaf of Flux I Leaf of Flux III Leechscale Binding VII Leorilla Mane Belt IV Lockblade IX Lost Adventurer's Ring IX Lost Crystalline Orb Lost Woven Rose Cloak IX Lucky Blinding Light of Destiny Lucky Hammer Lucky Water Dragon Scythe Maeve's Tears IX Mage's Challenger Belt V Magi Guard Helm III Magicalllll Frostval Cloak Man's Best Friend Manahunter Cloak VII Mechanical Ring VII Melissa's Wings VII Meowphant's Mettle IV Midsummer Knight's Blade VI Miniphage Mirror Eye Trinket Moglinberry Cider Mug Mosscrystal Pendant VI Navigator's Hat IV Necro Paragon Armor Necro Paragon Soulblade IV Necrotic Sword of Doom Neutral Mask Nick's Warm Cap VI Noisome Navette Ornamented Seal Ring of the Papermancers Ourobouros Root Belt III Overgrown Signet VII Overgrown Signet VII Pandora's Scythe III Pirate Cutlass IX Plushie Tomix Primal Corrupt Essence (x30) Prince Eulin Facsimile Psionic Ratchet III Puzzling Card Puzzling Cards Pyromancer Cord Rainbow's End IX Raven of the Mysts Cloak VI Reforged Chronocorruptor Reforged Chronomancer Reforged ChronoZ Reforged TimeKiller Refraction Pendant VII Ribbon of Compromise V Ribbon of Compromise V Ring of Otherworld III Rogue's Challenger Belt V Rolith's Hammer of Protection Rose Chains VI Rose General's Ring Rose Guardspear Rose Magus Focus Rose Magus Wrap VI Rose Researcher's Mask Royal Vault Dagger V Royal Vault Sword V Runed Hawk Cloak VI Runestone Rx for Destruction Scarab Band Scythe of Liberty Scythe of Liberty Scythe of the Soul's Song Sea Chicken's Conquest III Self-Containment Unit v15.5 Shattered Amulet VI Shattered Amulet VII Sheathed Rose Blade VI Shining Halo of Seasons Shining Helm of Destiny Shining Mantle of Destiny Soaring Heart Wings IX Soul Purifier Soulforged Amulet (Purple) Soulforged Ring (Blue) Soulforged Ring (Red) SoulForged Scythe Soulmender's Cloak III Soulmender's Hood III Spiked Ring Sporcaling Spyblade of Static III Squirrel Tentacle IV Staff of the Amulet Star-studded Belt Static Sphere VII Summon Destiny Dragon Sundering Emerald Sundragon Pendant VIII Swordhaven Cape VII The Magister The Professor's Safety Helm I The Ribbon The Threadcutter IX Thorn Replica VII Thyton's Magitech Scythe TimeKiller TimeShift Scythe Timewarped Medal (x3) Tizheruk Scale IX Tomix's Birthday Hat VIII Transcendence Twilly's Staff VIII Tytanvisage Helm (Vind) VII Tzfat Cloak Uaanta's Blaster IV (Amalgam) Uaanta's Blaster IV (Charging) Uaanta's Blaster IV (Destiny) Uaanta's Blaster IV (Doom) Ultimate DragonStaff of Destiny Unlucky Clover VIII Vaal's Aviators Vaal's Ego Valen's Cap Vanilla Ice Katana I Vanilla Ice Katana I Vile Bone Golem Head Vile Infused Rose Sword IX Void Rift Cover V Voidwoven Belt V Warding Girdle Wargoth's Forged Visage I Warlic's Staff Warrior's Challenger Belt V Wily Guardian Pirate Scarf Wings of the Unraveler III Wings of Yaphael I Winter's Harbinger IX Wishing Khopesh Wolfwing's Wings Yarek's Staff IX
War Records
The Maleurous: Reawakening 4 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Archive E-189-L 6969 waves, 100 Paths Cleared Ghoulidays 1010 waves, 58 Waves Defeated The Blood Moon 1 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Black Winter 23 waves, 1 Waves Defeated Serenity Before The Storm 2 waves, 0 Waves Defeated DragonRider War 1 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Full Moon 7 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Save The Moglins 60 waves, 1 Moglins Saved Frostval 13 652 waves, 13 Waves Defeated 13th 13th 1001 waves, 43 Waves Defeated War of The Dragon Roses 186 waves, 1 Rose Waves War of the Dragon Roses 2 waves, 0 Dragon Waves Winged Darkness 1001 waves, 11 Winged Darkness Waves Turducken 3 waves, 0 Turducken Waves Ebil War 1001 waves, 33 Ebil Waves Defeated Wrath of Wargoth 17 waves, 0 Wrath Wave Rising Fire 7 waves, 1 Waves Defeated Lucky Day War 2012 259 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Rift War 102 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Zardbie War 2011 3 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Friday the 13th 2011 28 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Hiding the Blade of Awe 1 waves, 0 Locations Searched Lucky Day War 2011 1 waves, 0 Rainbow Shards