Xeo (Darkness Dragon)
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Dragon Mage Wings II Soulforged Ring (Red) Ateala Soldier's Helm IV Akriloth's Bane III Stan the ScanOrb Uaanta's Blaster III (Charging) Leechscale Binding IV Necrotic Sword of Doom Legion Bracer Ascended ChickenCow Armor Epoch Reforged Archivist Reforged ShadowWalker of Time ShadowWalker of Time Aspenvale Backpack (Victoria) Cloak of Akanthus Ultimate Dragon Wings VI Baltael's Aventail (END/WIS) I Chickencow's Penance Helm of Akanthus Nec-snow-mancer's Cowl Sepulchure's Doom White Magester Veil I Incomplete Rift Helmet Proclamation Medal (SH) (x9) Coaleptimini Miniphage Plushie Cupcake Plushie Kickbacker Plushie Memet Plushie Mort Plushie Nugget Plushie Quibble Plushie Rez Plushie Scourge Plushie Scurvy Plushie Twig Plushie Twilly Plushie Zilla Plushie Zorbak Undead Chickencow Fireworks Crystal Notched Belt III Ancient Dragon Amulet Scythe of the Elements Blade of Awe VI Dark Gloom Glaive Devious 13th 13th Scythe DragonBlaser IV Hero's Brick Lockblade VI Necro Paragon Soulblade II OmniBlade Phantom Chronoscythe Rolith's Hammer of Protection Rose Pillow IV Serenity's Courage Ultra OmniKnight Blade Willbreaker Wooden Sword of Doom III Epocharina Solo Adagio Timeless Lightsticks Voicecatcher
Bank Items
Abyssal Elf Scepter VII Akriloth's Fervid Bane Archivist Ascended Wings Atrea Dream Helm I Atrea Dream Wings I Aurite Claymore VI Avatar of Time Avatar's Winged Scythe Badge of the Dragon Vanquisher Blade of Valentine's Pride IV Blue Feathered Carnaval Cape III Blue Leather Belt Braughlmurk Binding (x7) Braydenball Chairman Mask Chi Blast Chronocorruptor ChronoZ Cinco de Mayo Sombrero Scarf Coggy Core Key Corrupted Doom Cassette Courtly TerraStag Horns Crystal Dragon Edge I Cuddly Dracolich Cysero's Eggshell Master Chef Hat Cysero's Fried Splatula Cysero's Gas-e Tank Mark VI Dark DragonLord's Edge I Dark Executioner I Dark Frostscythe I Dark Legion Cape Dark Legion Helm Dark Noble Helm Dark Noble Helm Dark Sandsea Helm Dark SandWarrior Wings Dark Sepulchure Helm Death's Royal Scythe Defender's Dragon Necklace IX Defender's Medal (x181) Demnra's Deception VI Dimensional Transphaser Doomed Dragon Helm DoomKnight Armor DoomKnight Cloak DoomKnight Helm DoomKnight Variant One Dracelix's Birthday Hat I Draconic Glowtooth DrAEgon Scythe Dragon Scale Coil VII Dragon's Rage Dragon's Wing IV DragonFable Friends DragonKnight Cape II Dragonoid Saber II Dread Pirate Cutlass I Dread Pirate Hat I Dread Wave Blaster Ebil Love IV Elemental Unity Elemental Unity Emperor Linus Eternal Locket Eternity Joy Ethereal Devourer Eye of the Void Helm I Eye of the Void Wings I Festive Gift Opener Fluffy Foam Hammer Foxy Bearded Guardian Pirate Hat Fragment of Ethereal Jealousy Frost Moglin Knight's Helm V Frost Pumpkin Head I Frost Pumpkin Sword I Frost Vine Wings I Frozen Spirit Sword IX Full Eternity Love Gifted Water Dragon Scythe Gold Half Torch III Golden Chickcalf VI Golden Dravir Helm VI Golden Maple Scythe I Golden Order Blade II Golden Order Blade V Goldfish Knight V Green Head Grenwog Jr Grenwog Jr Grove Tender Blade Grove Tender Twigs Grove Tender Visage Half of a Stonefish Half-Learned Orchidea Hawk's Calling VII Heartseeker's Ring VIII HeroPoint (x11) I Scream Bowler V Indecent Proposal Justicar Kamillia Kamillia Kickstarter Token Kismet Luck O' the Sneevish Layla's Ring Lightblade Caliburn I LimeWorks! Lockblade VII Lovely Book Lovely Time Helm I Lovely Time Sword IV Luckrist Lush Oleanderium Manahunter Cloak III Marshmallow Pip Mewphant IX Mighty ShadowReaper of Doom MiniVolt VI Mirror Eye Trinket Moglinberry Masher VI Moonridge Assist Necro Paragon Armor Necro Paragon Cape II Necro Paragon Helm I Nervous DragonLion's Noble Head Neutral Cloak Neutral Mask Nick's Toasty Cape III Orion's Comet Belt Pallor's Frozen Blade II Parrrrrotical Pete the Parrot Pearl Blade III Pineapple Ring Plushie Cysero PoeLala Pristine Blinding Light of Destiny Pyromancer Rainbow's Edge Reforged Avatar of Time Reforged Chronocorruptor Reforged ChronoZ Reforged TimeKiller Refraction Pendant V Ring of Thorns IX Rockin' Headphones III Rolith's Hammer of Protection Rolith's Wedding Tophat Rose Magus Wrap II Rose Pillow VI Royal Doom Sable Raven's Wing Serenity Scythe IV Shadow Hunter Ultra Sword Shadowscythe Bane Shadowscythe Reaper Shining Eternal Hourglass Sword III Shiny Frostskull Mace II Shocking Hair Sneegion Minion SnugglePanda SoulForged Scythe SoulForged Sword Spiced Cider Keg Spinning Eternity Key Summon Destiny Dragon Summon Gem - Illumina Summon Gem - Reaver Summon Gem - Ricterild Sun God Cape Sun God Scythe Sun God Visor Super Golden Phoenix Wings III Super Lucky Wyvern III Super Rainbow Blade V Swordhaven Badge (TGH) Taste of Freedom I Tenebrous Entity's Edge The Eraglass The Magister The Massive Axe XL The Puppetmaster I The Threadcutter I Thorn Replica VII Time Core Edge Time Killer Ten Gallon TimeKiller TimeShift Scythe Tomix's Birthday Hat I Tragedy Mask Tragic Cloak Twig's Rose Cloak III Twig's Systerity Sword III Uaanta's Blaster IV (Uncharged) Ultimate Dragon Amulet Scythe of Elementals Ultimate Dragon Helm IV Ultimate Dragon Helm VII Ultimate Dragon Wings X Ultimate Flux (x2) Unlucky Clover VIII Unlucky Doom Essence Vaekan's Reaper VI Vivid Golden Cloak Void Cider Mug Sword Weaver's Facade I World Destroyer Wings Wrathful Flame Claw Scythe X-Boost: Unlimited (x3)
War Records
The Great Giftnapping 1 waves, 0 Gifts Liberated Archive E-189-L 227 waves, 3 Paths Cleared The Maleurous: Sinnocence 57 waves, 3 Waves Defeated Ghoulidays 4 waves, 1 Waves Defeated The Blood Moon 1 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Black Winter 175 waves, 3 Waves Defeated The Dark Night 9 waves, 0 Waves Defeated DragonRider War 11 waves, 0 Waves Defeated War at the Core 1 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Full Moon 4 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Save The Moglins 4 waves, 0 Moglins Saved Frostval 13 3 waves, 0 Waves Defeated 13th 13th 31 waves, 3 Waves Defeated War of The Dragon Roses 4 waves, 0 Rose Waves War of the Dragon Roses 6 waves, 0 Dragon Waves Winged Darkness 7 waves, 0 Winged Darkness Waves Turducken 12 waves, 0 Turducken Waves Ebil War 16 waves, 0 Ebil Waves Defeated Wrath of Wargoth 115 waves, 0 Wrath Wave Rising Fire 8 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Lucky Day War 2012 15 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Rift War 30 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Zardbie War 2011 7 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Friday the 13th 2011 123 waves, 1 Waves Defeated
DragonLord Castle
House Items
Guardian Tower Window
Guardian Tower Window
Dragon Statue
Cysero's Left Sock
Shiny Checkered Floor
Healing Pad
Round Galaxy Rug
Inn Table
Necro U Handbook
Magic Mirror
Armor Closet
Plushie Cabinet
Lefthand NPC Plushie Etagere
Righthand NPC Plushie Etagere
Miniature Minotaur
Memento Mori
Zeuster Figurine
Clyde the Stats Moglin
Traveler's Gryphon Statue
Mysterious Couch
Dragonsgrasp Bed
Dragonsgrasp Fountain
Golden Slide
Ravenloss Plushie Cabinet
Weaver Gauntlet
Mysterious Card
Dark Night Trophy
Storybook Collection
Odium's Bane Outdoor Display Set
Portrait of Timmy