

Dolor (Energy Dragon)
Saturday, March 29, 2025


Cor-Demi Trio III
Defender's Dragon Ring XXXII
Vilmor's Helm III
Parallel Chaos Amulet
Exalted Blaster II (Doom)
Grimoire of the Lich III
Chaotic Blade of Swordhaven III
Legion Bracer
DoomKnight Armor
DoomKnight Variant One
Giant Mana Potion (Bronze)
LaserBear's LaserBackpack
Virtuous Reality Radiance
Wings of The Thousand Flames
Ancient DragonLord Helm III
Baltael's Aventail (END/WIS) II
Double Sided Eyepatch
Meowtroid Mask
Spooky Jack 'o Helm
Steampunk Mask
Tainted Adept Helm
Technonaut Mask
Undercity Mask
Virtuous Reality Veil
Defender's Dragon Necklace XXXV
Heart Scale
Slimy Necklace IV
CandyCon Chocolate Coin (x2)
Defender's Medal (x42)
Memory Fragment I
Memory Fragment II
Memory Fragment III
Memory Fragment IV
Memory Fragment V
Memory Fragment VI
Memory Fragment VII
Ornamental Dagger
Proclamation Medal (DW) (x5)
Tempered Magic Metal
The Perfect Sandwich
Timewarped Medal (x2)
Stan the ScanOrb
Elemental Unity Defender XV
Defender's Dragon Belt XXIII
Ourobouros Root Belt III
Antique Blade of Awe
Antique DragonLord's Rite
Antique Star Captain's Claymore
Blade of Awe VIII
Blade of Destiny
Blades of The Great One (Rose) IV
Elite Wand of the Sunken Rose III
Exalted Apotheosis
Fallen Ice Dragon Staff
Frostscythe III
Glaive of Eternal Peace IV
Grove Tender Blade
Ice Scythe VIII
Light of Ebil Dread IX
Lucky Hammer
Necrotic Sword of Doom
Sea Chicken's Conquest III
Technomancer Blade
Ultimate Dragon Amulet Scythe of Elementals
Verraad III
Warlic's Gift III
Warlic's Staff

Bank Items

Abyssal Heart VI
Ace of Hearts
Ace of Spades
Akaz's Ampoule Ring IX
Akriloth's Fervid Bane
Ancient Exosuit
Ancient Frost Moglin Knife IX
Apsaydaaun Harvester IX
Artix's Cape
Ascended ChickenCow Armor
Ascended Claymore
Ascended Cloak
Ascended Crest
Aspenvale Backpack
Astravian Helm VI
Astravian Wingblade VI
Astravian Wings VI
Ateala Soldier's Helm VII
Atealan Ceremonial Spear
Atrea Dream Edge VI
Backup Broom
Battle-worn Doom Blade
Beautiful Sakura Scythe
Beryl Cowl
Black Ice
Black Magester Veil VI
Blade of Janus
Blade of the Shattered Dream VIII
Blinding Star Shard
Bloody Monster Heart (x46)
Blue Box III
Booty Sniffer
Boxhat IX
Braughlmurk Cleaver
Braughlmurk Darkstaff
Braughlmurk Shiv
BraveSirRobins Courageous Helm
Carved Tooth Blade
Celestia's Blade IV
Chained Blaze
Chambered Eternity Love
Charm of Symbiosis VI
Charmed Gambler Wings
Charnel Doom Helmet III
Cheesemonger's Gratitude
Cheshire Twilly IV
Chi Blast
Chibi Pandora (C)
Chibi Pandora (P)
ChickenCow Armor
Chickencow's Penance
Chickencow's Penance (Eggsalted)
Claw of the Enigmatic Star
Cloak of the Archlord
Cloak Scrap
Commemorative Birthday Sword X
Consuming Cursed Scimitar
Corrupted Tendrils
Creatioux Claw I
Crown of the Lost Hawk VI
Cuddly Dracolich
Cursed Overgourd Cover
Cute Chickencow Hat
Cute Turdraken Hat
Cysero's Gas-e Tank Mark I
Cysero's Hamstergeddon
Cysero's Master Chef Hat
Cysero's Oily Splatula
Damask Belt of the Emperor
Dark Batwing Blade
Dark Batwing Broom
Dark Batwing Hatchet
Dark Defender's Helm
Death's Royal Scythe
Deatharrows Courageous Helm
Defender Cannon Mk. IV
Defiled Adept Helm
Diamond Ring of the Emperor
Dimensional Transphaser
Distorted Doom Visage III
Doom Figmini
DoomKnight Cloak
DoomKnight Helm
Dormant Hammer
Dragon Blade VIII
Dragon's Bulwark
Dragon's Wrath
DragonBlaser VII
DragonKnight Blade V
DragonKnight Cape V
DragonKnight Helm V
DragonLord Captain's Helm IV
DragonLord's Travel Cloak IV
Dragons Ex's Calibur VIII
Drakonnan's Warhelm I
Dravir Warhelm VIII
Dreamglass Ring IX
Dreaming Togslayer Armor
Drop Bear Hat IX
Dusk Tempest Catalyst
Dynamic Helmet of Tog-Control
Ebil Skull
Eggsalted Remnant
Elemental Unity
Elite Axe of the Sunken Rose III
Elite Knife of the Sunken Rose III
Emerald Blade of Purity
Enchanted Frostcrown IX
Erythrocitrus Band IX
Escelense Dragon Defender Blade I
Esrom Helm
Euclid's Nightmare VI
Evil Pumpkin Head
Ex's Calibur of Truth VII
Experimental Captain's Rifle
Extremely Spooky Orange Cloak
Eyes of the Seer
Faded Runed Plates
Fallen Ice Dragon Edge
Fallen Ice Dragon Sword
Fallen Ice Dragon Wings
Fat Werepup
Faunus Dragon Helm
Feathers of Pride
Feathers of Pride B
Fervid Flare Imp Hat
Festive Gift Opener
Fighters Ex's Calibur X
Fire Soul VII
Flare Imp
Flying Saucer Belt VIII
Forced Reflection VII
Forgotten Gloom Glaive
Fragment of Ethereal Avarice
Fragment of Ethereal Ego
Fragment of Ethereal Hunger
Fragment of Ethereal Jealousy
Fragment of Ethereal Longing
Fragment of Ethereal Rage
Fragment of Ethereal Rest
Frankenblade VII
FrankenEyes Staff VII
FrankenFinger VII
Frost Dragon Head Blade VIII
Frost Moglin Knight's Cloak VIII
Frost Moglin Knight's Helm VIII
Frostbreaker's Ring V
Frostscythe's Cape
Frozen Spirit Dagger IX
Frozen Spirit Staff IX
Frozen Spirit Sword IX
Fry's Coffee
Fulgurite Ring VII
Fur Coat
Furious Gale Scythe
Garnet Cowl
Geo's Johannite Claymore
Ghost's Blade of Spooky Hotness
Ghostly Green Cape
Ghostly Miasmal Axe
Giant Custom Potion (Bronze)
Giant Health Potion (Bronze)
Glaive of Eternal Peace IV
Gnomish Personal Steamtank Mk II
Golden Dragon Tooth IX
Golden Wedding Ring
Greedling Pet
Grove Tender Twigs
Grove Tender Visage
Hanzamune Dragon Koi Blade
Harmonized Cowbell 1000
Harmonized Cowbell 1001
Harvest Edge XI
Harvest Reaper VII
Harvest Ripper XI
Harvest Staff XI
Hawk's Calling VII
Helmet of Tog-Control VII
Hematite Hood
Hero's Awesome Essence
Hive Ranger's Halberd
Honda's Legacy
Honey Laden Girdle V
Hovering Rocks III
Ice Elf Aurora Staff
Ice Elf Chakram
Ice Gem
Icebound Cobalt Dragon Helm
Icebound Hood
Icebound Revenant
Icy Soulwoven Shard
Infused Sheathed Rose Blade
Invisible Helm
Irismancer's Staff VIII
Itty Squishie
Jack's Rage
Jade Cleaver of the Lone Tree
Jeweled Seal Ring of Wall
Jolly Eternity Joy
Judgement Wheel
Kathool Adept Armor
King Staff of Diamonds
Lagohmcraft Protector (Rose) VI
Lavish Vampire Cape
Leaf of Flux III
Legendary Axe-Blade of Aww
Leorilla Mane Belt IV
Li'l Typhoon IV
Lich's Blackwyn Staff
Light of Destiny VIII
Lightguard Helm
Linked Bands of Nature's Bounty
Lost Woven Rose Cloak VIII
Lush Oleanderium
Lush Oleanderium
Mace of the North I
Mage's Challenger Belt V
Magi Guard Helm III
Magic Bean
Majjical Owl Wings VII
Malevolent 13th 13th Scythe
Malich's Retribution
Man's Best Friend
Mantle of Fear
Mantle of Shadows
Marauder Pirate Catalyst
Master's Hood
Midnight Dream VIII
Mile High Stallions
Mirror Eye Trinket
Monster Master Cap VIII
Moonridge Cutters V
Moonridge Greatsword V
Moonridge Honorstaff V
Mosscrystal Pendant VI
Mushroom Cap VII
Navigator's Hat VI
Necro Paragon Armor
Necro Paragon Cape IV
Necro Paragon Helm IV
Necro Paragon Soulblade IV
Necromancer Cloak
Necromancer Hood
Necromancer Staff
Neutral Cloak
Nick's Toasty Cape VIII
Noon Promise VIII
Notha's Spell III
Ogorek's Treasure
Ominous Cloud of Socks
Ooo R U?
Opalescent Cowl
Ornamented Seal Ring of the Papermancers
Overgourd Cover
Overgrown Signet VI
Paladin Blade
Pandora's Scythe III
Party Tog
Perpetual Eternity Key
Personal Feargeist
Piercer of Emryhs VII
Pirate Cutlass IX
Pirate's Bane V
Poisonous Katana
Powerlight Ring
Prince Eulin Facsimile
Pristine Hallow'd Dagger
Pristine Hallow'd Edge
Pristine Hallow'd Staff
Psionic Ratchet III
Pumpkin Helm
Puzzling Card
Puzzling Cards
Radiant Providence
Radiant Shimmer
Ranger's Cover
Raven of the Mysts Cloak VI
Red's Crimson Hood
Red's Dusty Cloak
Reforged Avatar of Time
Reforged Glaive of Meanwhile
Reforged Spectrus Staff
Reforged Spectrus Sword
Refraction Pendant VII
Relic DeathKnight Amulet
Relic DeathKnight Belt
Relic DeathKnight Blade
Relic DeathKnight Circlet
Relic DeathKnight Cloak
Relic DeathKnight Helm
Remthalas' Mask
Residue of Order
Resplendent Caliburn
Restored Experimental Visage
Ribbon of Compromise IV
Rogue's Challenger Belt V
Rolith and Alina's Thank You Note
Rolith's Hammer of Protection
Rose Guardspear
Rose Legacy Sword X
Rose Researcher's Mask
Rose Sand Wrap
Rotten Overgourd Cover
Rotting Zardbie Scythe
Runed Chains VIII
Rush of Zardlings
Scale of The Mana Core
Scarab's Soul
Scepter of the Emporer
Scythe of the Soul's Song
Self-Containment Unit v15.4
Serenity's Courage
Shadow Hunter Ultra Sword
Shadowfire Axe VIII
Shattered Amulet VII
Sheathed Rose Blade VI
Sir Jing's Sword IX
Skull Assistant Bubble
Slugwrath Signet Ring III
Smuggler's Stormpather VII
Snow's Repose IX
Soggy Spyblade
Soul Purifier
Soulforged Amulet (Purple)
Soulforged Ring (Blue)
Soulforged Ring (Green)
Soulforged Ring (Red)
SoulForged Scythe
Soulmender's Cloak III
Soulsmith's Cloak III
Soulthread of The Unraveler
Soulweaver's Cloak III
Spiked Leather Gauntlet
Spiky Haired Poker Cap VIII
Squirrel Tentacle IV
Staff of Inversion IX
Star Captain's Formal Belt
Static Sphere VII
Stony Coral Axe
Stony Coral Dagger
Stony Coral Staff
Stormhawk VIII
Summon Destiny Dragon
Summon Gem - Ayauhnqui EX
Summon Gem - Illumina EX
Summon Gem - Intaym EX
Summon Gem - Reaver EX
Summon Gem - Ricterild EX
Summon Gem - Roktoru EX
Sundering Emerald
Sunken Plunderer IX
Super Greedy Greedling Helm
Sweet Capustak
Sword of Damocles
Swordhaven Carrier Bag
Technomancer Dagger
Technomancer Staff
Tek's Goggles
Tentacle of the Dominion III
The Barons Courageous Helm
The Book of Ebil Dread
The Corrupted Seven
The Fall of Autumn
The Glory of Twilly VIII
The Hidebehind VIII
The Necsnowmancer
The Quadstaff III
The Ribbon
The Sword For Other Monsters
The Sword For Some Monsters
Thorn Replica VII
Time's Pursuit
Timewarped Trophy
Tizheruk Scale IX
Tog Head
Toginator Plus Extreme
Togslayer X's Cape
Togslayer X's Chain
Togslayer X's Seal
Togslayer's Toghide Belt
Twilly's Staff VIII
Tzfat Cloak
Ultimate Blinding Light of Destiny
Ultimate DragonStaff of Destiny
Ultimate Pumpkin Edge
Ultimate Twin Blades of Destiny
Ultra OmniKnight Blade
Unael Protectorate VIII
Unlucky 13th Sword VIII
Unreal ShadowReaper of Doom
Unreal Skullstaff of Doom
Unreal Twin Blades of Doom
UWE Championship Ring V
Vaal's Ego
Vampire Wings
Vanilla Ice Katana IV
Vineblade Guardhelm
Void Chitin Band IV
Void Pony Shank
Void Rift Cover V
Voidcutter Dagger VII
Voidcutter Spear VII
Voidcutter Sword VII
Warrior's Challenger Belt V
Were-Fur Cloak VI
Wicked Scimitar
Wings of Aker'varus VI
Wings of Fear
Wings of the Unraveler III
Wings of the Unraveler III
Wishing Khopesh
Wolfwing's Wings
Wooden Sword of Doom IV
World Destroyer Wings
X-Boost: Unlimited
Yarek's Staff IX
Zeclem's Relic Band
Zeclem's Relic Belt
Zeclem's Relic Blade
Zeclem's Relic Cloak
Zeclem's Relic Heirloom
Zeclem's Relic Helm
Zorbak's Staff VIII

War Records

Friday the 13th: EbilTreats
39 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Ancient Abyss
79 waves, 3 Waves Defeated
Night of Ebil Dread
55 waves, 1 Waves Repelled
The Maleurous: Reawakening
251 waves, 23 Waves Defeated
The Grand Snowfight
2 waves, 1 Waves Defeated
The Maleurous: Reckoning
60 waves, 4 Waves Defeated
A Friendly Contest
72 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
The Great Giftnapping
10001 waves, 477 Gifts Liberated
3 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
The Blood Moon
1 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Black Winter
73 waves, 1 Waves Defeated
Friday the 13th: Weal
18 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Ice Cream Invasion
17 waves, 0 Sweets Stopped
The Dark Night
546 waves, 6 Waves Defeated
Serenity Before The Storm
1001 waves, 31 Waves Defeated
Friday the 13th
90 waves, 1 Waves Defeated
DragonRider War
135 waves, 5 Waves Defeated
Pirates vs Ninja's
87 waves, 8 Waves Defeated
1002 waves, 213 booties collected for Rhubarb
War at the Core
72 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Full Moon
4 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Frostval 13
6 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
13th 13th
15 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
War of The Dragon Roses
9 waves, 0 Rose Waves
War of the Dragon Roses
3 waves, 0 Dragon Waves
Winged Darkness
31 waves, 1 Winged Darkness Waves
111 waves, 3 Turducken Waves
Ebil War
505 waves, 14 Ebil Waves Defeated
Wrath of Wargoth
1001 waves, 0 Wrath Wave
Rising Fire
1001 waves, 7 Waves Defeated
Lucky Day War 2012
1001 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Rift War
1001 waves, 10 Waves Defeated
Zardbie War 2011
801 waves, 8 Waves Defeated
Friday the 13th 2011
1001 waves, 11 Waves Defeated
Hiding the Blade of Awe
501 waves, 0 Locations Searched
Lucky Day War 2011
501 waves, 1 Rainbow Shards


DragonLord Castle
Dragonsgrasp House

House Items

Comfy Bed
Basic Table with Ship
End Table
Dragon Nest
Pirate Swords
Guardian Shield
DA Plaque
Armor Closet
Plushie Cabinet
Lefthand NPC Plushie Etagere
Righthand NPC Plushie Etagere
Writing Desk
Easy Clean Aquarium
Yix and Balthar Plushies
Tethy's Pet Banner
Tethy's Weapon Banner
True Mortal Plushie
The Lady and Kensai Plushies
Dragonsgrasp Couch
Dragonsgrasp Fireplace
Dragonsgrasp Alchemy Shelf
Dragonsgrasp Copper Fountain
Dragonsgrasp Copper Fountain
Dragonsgrasp Counter
Ravenloss Plushie Cabinet
Dark Night Trophy
Void Ship Plans
Storybook Collection
Portrait of Timmy
Armor Portal Statue
Greenscreen Mirror
Edelia Portait (Tek)
Bart's Potion Vendor 2000
Arachnalchemy Lab