
Ryu Housen

Lu Bu (Bacon Dragon)
Sunday, November 24, 2024


Wings of The Thousand Infernos
Defender's Dragon Ring XXXII
Ancient DragonLord Helm III
Parallel Chaos Amulet
Elemental Unity Defender XV
Grimoire of the Lich III
Exalted Apotheosis
Eternal Locket
Astravian Wings VI
Atealan Providence
Blessing of Kyanos IX
Chaosweaver's Cloak III
Charmed Gambler Wings
Cloak of Change
Cor-Demi Trio III
Crown of Damocles VI
Daatael's Wings
DoomKnight Cloak
DragonKnight Cape V
Dread Carapace VI
Fancy Dragon's Wings
Flight of the Engineer
Hourglass of the Dead X
Illumina's Wings
Invisible Cape
Lagohmcraft Protector (Vind) VI
LaserBear's LaserBackpack
Melissa's Battle Wings VII
Nova Phoenix's Feathers
Puzzling Card
Puzzling Cards
Radiant Wings of Light
Relic DeathKnight Cloak
Rose Magus Wrap VI
Shadecloak of the Emperor VII
Soulmender's Cloak III
Soulsmith's Cloak III
Soulweaver's Cloak III
The Hidebehind VIII
The Puppetmaster X
Wings of Aker'varus VI
Wings of the Unraveler III
Academic's Ring V
Akaz's Ampoule Ring IX
Al'nold's Ring VI
Brilliant Bloodstone Ring
Dola Tooth Ring
Dragon Scale Coil VII
Dreamglass Ring IX
Erythrocitrus Band IX
Eulin's Charm III
Frostbreaker's Ring V
Fulgurite Ring VII
Lost Adventurer's Ring IX
Mechanical Ring VII
Powerlight Ring
Relic DeathKnight Circlet
Rose General's Ring
Soulforged Ring (Blue)
Soulforged Ring (Green)
Soulforged Ring (Red)
Astravian Helm VI
Ateala Soldier's Helm VII
Boxhat IX
BraveSirRobins Courageous Helm
Chickencow's Penance (Eggsalted)
ChronoZ Visor Version M.0
Comfy Frostval Scarf (Armor)
Crown of the Core V
Deatharrows Courageous Helm
Distorted Doom Visage III
DoomKnight Helm
DragonKnight Helm V
Drakonnan's Warhelm III
Drop Bear Hat IX
Enchanted Frostcrown IX
Heartseeker's Helm IX
Helmet of Tog-Control VII
Insane Pumpkin Stack
Invisible Helm
Magi Sentinel Helm III
Navigator's Hat V
Nova Phoenix's Aspect
Petrified DragonLion's Noble Head
Radiant Crown of Sek Duat
Relic DeathKnight Helm
Self-Containment Unit v15.5
Smuggler's Stormpather VII
Soulmender's Hood III
Supersized Chocolate Chip Cookiehelm
The Barons Courageous Helm
The Blood Mantle III
Tytanvisage Helm (Vind) VII
Vilmor's Helm III
Visage of the Dragon (CC)
Wargoth's Forged Visage IV
Winter's Harbinger IX
Defender's Dragon Necklace XXXV
Glamorstone Necklace
Heart Scale
Mosscrystal Pendant VI
Refraction Pendant VII
Relic DeathKnight Amulet
Shattered Amulet VII
Slimy Necklace IV
Soulforged Amulet (Purple)
Icy Soulwoven Shard
Stan the ScanOrb
Bubble Charm
Dragon's Bulwark
Dragon's Wrath
Eggsalted Remnant
Exalted Blaster II (Amalgam)
Exalted Blaster II (Destiny)
Exalted Blaster II (Doom)
Honda's Legacy EX
Auroral Scale IX
Belt of Golden Sand IX
Defender's Dragon Belt XXI
Defender's Dragon Belt XXIII
Leechscale Binding VII
Mage's Challenger Belt V
Ourobouros Root Belt III
Relic DeathKnight Belt
Rogue's Challenger Belt V
Static Sphere VII
Warrior's Challenger Belt V
Abyssal Heart VI
Antique Blade of Awe
Antique DragonLord's Rite
Antique Star Captain's Claymore
Antithesis Edge IX
Antithesis Point IX
Antithesis Staff IX
Arcanotech Edge III
Arnice Magica
Astravian Wingstaff VI
Atealan Ceremonial Spear
Aurite Claymore IX
Basic CorDemi Codex
Battle Syringe Type W IX
Blade of Awe VIII
Blade of Carnax
Blade of Destiny
Blade of the Golden Keel III
Blade of the Shattered Dream VIII
Blades of The Great One (Rose) IV
Chaotic Blade of Swordhaven III
Citrine Gembuster
Claw of the Enigmatic Star
Creatioux Claw III
Cysero's Hamstergeddon
Dagger of Unity IX
Debris 2 III
Demnra's Deception IX
Doom Blade of Sorrows
Doomed Dragon Amulet Scythe of the Elements IX
DragonKnight Blade I
Elite Knife of the Sunken Rose III
Elite Wand of the Sunken Rose III
Forgotten Gloom Glaive
Frostscythe III
Frozen Claymore IX
Glaive of Eternal Peace IV
Glimmerwing VI
Great Dragon's Claw III
Hammer of Timeless Destiny
Heart's Whisper IX
High-Tech Turducken Carver VIII
Jade Cleaver of the Lone Tree
Jova's Wrath
Lance of Awethur III
Larimar Gembinder
Light of Ebil Dread IX
LightGlaive Orden
Lost Starsword of Destiny
Lost Starsword of Doom
Lucky Hammer
Mace of the North IX
Major Dagger of Aww
Morganite Gembuster
Nanotog Blade of Vengeance IX
Necro Paragon Soulblade IV
Necrotic Sword of Doom
Nova Phoenix's Lance
Onyx Gembuster
Opal Gembuster
Peridot Gemcutter
Pyrope Gemcutter
Radiant Dragon Cleaver of the Elements IX
Relic DeathKnight Blade
Rolith's Backup Hammer III
Sapphirine Gembinder
Snow's Repose IX
SoulForged Sword
Sun God Scythe
Sword of Damocles
Sword of the Amulet IV
Thawsprout Blade
Thyton's Runic Blade
Time's Harvest IX
Tyr - Lance of Change IX
Ultimate Blinding Light of Destiny
Ultimate DragonStaff of Destiny
Ultimate Twin Blades of Destiny
Ultra OmniKnight Blade
Uncalabra III
Unnecessarily Ornate Useless Weapon Just For Show
Unreal ShadowReaper of Doom
Unreal Skullstaff of Doom
Unreal Twin Blades of Doom
Unstable Armament Ed.2.0
Verraad III
Vile Infused Rose Sword I
Voidcutter Dagger VII
Voidcutter Spear VII
Voidcutter Sword VII
Warlic's Gift III
Wishing Khopesh
Corrupted Doom Cassette
Draconic Glowtooth
The Eraglass

Bank Items

Bright Star Helm IV
Ace of Hearts
Aika Backguard
Akriloth's Bane IV
Ancient Dragon Amulet Scythe of the Elements
Ancient Energy Blade III
Ancient Frost Moglin Knife IX
Ancient Frost Moglin Staff IX
Antique Blade of Chaos
Artificial Elemental Core
Ascended ChickenCow Armor
Ascended Cloak
Ascended Crest
Ascended Spear
Aspenvale Backpack (Alz'ein)
Aurite Blades IX
Aurite Staff IX
Avatar's Winged Scythe
Azaveyran Farewell III
Baby Chimera
Baby Kraken VI
Backup Broom
Balloon Chickencow Pet
Baltael's Aventail (END/WIS) II
Baltael's Aventail (INT) II
Baltael's Aventail (LUK/CHA) II
Belial's Horrific Visage
Blade of Janus
Blades of The Great One
Blades of The Great One (Gold) IV
Blades of The Great One (Vind) I
Blades of The Great One (Vind) IV
Bloodfarer Cape IX
Bloodfarer Visage IX
Boxhat VIII
Bright Defender V
Bright Star Cape IV
Broken Crystal Belt
Broken Experimental Visage
C8H10N4O2 Addict Male IV
Candy Pail
Canopic Charm
Carved Dragon Scale V
Chaosweaver Armor
Charm of Symbiosis VI
Charnel Doom Helmet III
Chef's Hat
Chi Blast
Chibi Envy
Chibi Gluttony
Chibi Greed
Chibi Lust
Chibi Pandora (C)
Chibi Pandora (P)
Chibi Patroclus
Chibi Pride
Chibi Sloth
Chibi Wrath
Cloak of Hyonix
Cloak of Hyonix (Dragonsoul)
Cloak of the Archlord
Cloak Scrap
Clump of Fur
Comfy Frostval Scarf (Dragon)
Comfy Frostval Scarf (Plain)
Comfy Frostval Scarf (Trim)
Commemorative Birthday Sword XII
Commemorative Birthday Sword XII
Consuming Adept Catalyst
Crown of the Emperor
Crymson Tear III
Crystal Frostval Scythe XII
Crystal Notched Belt V
Cuddly Dracolich
Cursed Overgourd Cover
Cute Turdraken Hat
Cysero Hair V
Cysero's Hamsterclysm
Dagger of the Amulet
Death's Royal Scythe
Debris Appendages
Debris Appendages
Defender Cannon Mk. IV
Defender's Dragon Necklace XX
Defender's Medal (x6)
Devouring Cursed Serpent Claw
Doom Dragon Scythe
Doom Figmini
Doomed Dragon Amulet Scythe of Elementals
DoomKnight Armor
DoomKnight Variant One
Dracabbit VIII
Draconic Brightspark IX
Draconic Dimshadow IX
DrAEgon Scythe
Dragon Blade VIII
Dragon Eye VI
Dragon Mage Hood VI
Dragon Mage Wings VI
Dragon Oculus VI
Dragon Orbit VI
Dragon PvP Trophy (x16)
Dragon's Heart of Nature XI
Dragonoid Saber V
Drahaj IX
Dravalkyrie VIII
Dreadwyrm Katana V
Dreaming Togslayer Armor
Ebil Incarnate Axe IV
Elemental Unity
Escelense Conqueror Helm III
Escelense Dragon Defender Blade I
Eternal Hourglass Sword VII
Eternal Moondust
Extra Crispy Blade of Doom
Extra Fluffy Tog (Extreme)
Eyes of the Seer
Facet of Hyonix IX
Falwynn's Disguise Kit
Falwynn's Lucky Rock
Falwynn's Moon Charm
Falwynn's Snackpack
Fat Werepup
Faunus Dragon Helm
Festival Facelaunch
Fighters Ex's Calibur X
Fire Essence
Flying Mogkee
Forced Reflection VII
Fragment of Ethereal Woe (x2)
Frankenblade VII
FrankenEyes Staff VII
FrankenFinger VII
Frost Dragon Head Blade VII
Frost Moglin Defender Blade
Frost Moglin Knight's Helm VIII
Frost Moglin Knight's Helm VIII
Ghost's Blade of Spooky Hotness
Giant Custom Potion (Silver)
Giant Health Potion (Bronze)
Giant Mana Potion (Bronze)
Glaive of the Orb
Gnarly Guitar of Doom IV
Gold-Plated Frying Pan
Golden Aces Cloak I
Golden Battlespell Helm I
Grand Master Sword
Grandfather Clock Ring
Grandma's Hideous Sweater
Grenwog Dragon Egg Blade XI
Grenwog Dragon Egg Blade XI
Grenwog Eggshell V
Grenwog Jr
Groundhog Amulet V
Groundhog Wings IV
Grove Tender Blade
Grove Tender Twigs
Grove Tender Visage
Guardian Cloak
Hacked Magi Drone
Half-off Frostvale Pine V
Hanzamune Dragon Koi Blade
Harmonized Cowbell 1001
Harvest Edge XI
Harvest Reaper VII
Harvest Ripper XI
Harvest Staff XI
Heart of Maar
Helm of Old Aulore
Helm of the Archlord
Helper's Jingling Cap
Hero's Armband
Hero's Brick
Hero's Heart Cleaver
HeroPoint (x4)
Hunter's Riviere
Ice Elf Chakram
Icebound Revenant
Illustrious Cape VIII
Ink Spire III
Irismancer's Staff I
Isandel V
Kathool Adept Armor
Kickstarter Cape
Larimar Gemstone (x4)
Leaf of Flux III
Legion Bracer
Legion Fiend Blade IX
Legion Fiend Spear IX
Legion Slasher IX
Legion Sunderer IX
Leorilla Mane Belt IV
Light of Destiny VIII
Lim Hair V
Lockblade IX
Lost Elf's Belt
Lost Frozen Cord I
Lost Starhelm of Destiny
Lost Starhelm of Doom
Lovely Time Sword X
Maeve's Tears IX
Magi Guard Helm III
Magic Bean
Majjical Owl Wings V
Maker-Touched Zweihander III
Malifact's DOOM
Mantle of Fear
Marauder Pirate Catalyst
Mask of Akaz
Mask of Al'nold
Mask of Majji
Melted Stirring Spoon
Memory Fragment V
Memory Fragment VII (x2)
Meowphant's Mettle IV
Mightiest 100k Scythe
Mile High Stallions
MiniVolt VII
Mint Cream Slasher IX
Mirror Eye Trinket
Moglinberry Masher IX
My Tiny Derp Pwny V
My Tiny Void Pwny IV
Necro Paragon Armor
Necro Paragon Cape IV
Necro Paragon Helm IV
Neo Grove Tender's Blade
Neo Grove Tender's Cloak
Neo Grove Tender's Hat
Nick's Toasty Cape VIII
Notha's Spell III
Nursey's Wedding Wreath
Ogorek's Treasure
On Wings Of Bacon
Orion's Comet Belt
Ornamental Dagger
Ornamented Seal Ring of the Papermancers
Ornate Guardian Blade
Ornate Guardian Blade
Ostara's Cull IX
Ostara's Dracobunny
Overgourd Cover
Overgourd Cover
Overgrown Signet VII
Pallor's Frozen Blade VI
Pandora's Scythe III
Parallel Chaos Amulet
Party Tog
Personal Snow Globe
Pick of the North IX
Pirate's Booty
Preserved Dragonsbreath
Prince Eulin Facsimile
Pristine Hallow'd Staff
Prowling Shadowcats
Psionic Ratchet III
Pulsing Eternity Love
Pyromancer Cord
Pyrope Gemstone (x5)
Radiant Dravir Warhelm
Radiant Providence
Radiant Shimmer
Rainbow's Edge
Rathon - Focus of Change IX
Reaper's Scythe VII
Reaper's Scythe VIII
Reflective Polygonal Sphere of Many Lights
Reforged Archivist
Reforged Chronocorruptor
Reforged Chronomancer
Reforged ShadowWalker of Time
Relic of Zeclem (x4)
Remthalas' Mask
Retrieved Frostval Gift
Ribbon of Compromise V
Ring of Otherworld III
Rose Guardspear
Rose Legacy Dagger XI
Rose Legacy Staff XI
Rose Legacy Sword XI
Rotten Overgourd Cover
Salvaged Strike VI
Sanguine Flame Scimitar V
Scarab's Soul
Scrap metal (x4)
Scythe of Liberty
Scythe of the Dark Amulet
Scythe of the Soul's Song
Scythe of the Unhallowed IX
Sea Chicken's Conquest I
Sea Chicken's Conquest III
Seeker's Lash V
Sentog Helm I
Serenity's Courage
Shadow Shard
ShadowWalker of Time
Shake Spear
Shapeless Idol V
Shard of the Ultimate Orb
Sharp Ring
Shining Helm of Destiny
Silver Arrows Edge
Sir Fluffykins VIII
Sir Jing's Sword IX
Sluagh Sidhe IV
Slugwrath Signet Ring I
Smashed Potatoes
Soaring Heart Scythe IX
Solid Gold Tog
Solo Adagio
Somnus Fighter
Soulthread of The Unraveler
Spiked Leather Gauntlet
Spooky Jack 'o Helm
Squirrel Tentacle IV
Staff of Inversion IX
Staff of the Amulet
Staff of the North IX
Staff of Unity IX
Summon Destiny Dragon
Summon Gem - Ayauhnqui EX
Summon Gem - Illumina EX
Summon Gem - Intaym EX
Summon Gem - Reaver EX
Summon Gem - Ricterild EX
Summon Gem - Roktoru EX
Summon Young Destiny Dragon
Sun God Cape
Sun God Visor
Sweet Capustak
Sword of Unity IX
Sword of Valentine's Pride XI
Tasty Swordfish
Temporal Chill
Tentacle of the Dominion III
The Baroness Courageous Helm
The Book of Ebil Dread
The Corrupted Seven
The Final Sunrise IV
The Fool's Opus
The Glory of Twilly VIII
The Great Grey One V
The Last Board of Falconreach
The Professor's Safety Helm IV
The Quadstaff III
The Sword For Some Monsters
The Threadcutter IX
Thorn Replica VII
Time Reaper's Cowl X
Time's Pursuit
Timetorn Teleshard
Timewarped Medal (x37)
Timewarped Trophy (x4)
Tizheruk Scale IX
Togsmas Scythe VIII
Tomix Hair V
Tournament Shiv IX
Ultimate Brand of Glory
Ultimate Dragon Amulet Scythe of Elementals
Ultimate Twin Blades of Glory
Undead Chickencow
Unlucky Clover VIII
Unlucky Dark Sword
Unnecessarily Ornate Useless Helm Just For Show
Unnecessarily Ornate Useless Sword Just For Show
Unnecessarily Ornate Useless Wings Just For Show
Uragiri III
UWE Championship Ring V
Vaal's Ego
Vell - Edge of Change IX
Visage of Change
Void Chitin Band IV
Void Pony Daggers
Void Pony Hobby Horse
Void Pony Shank
Voidwoven Belt V
Volcanic Rock
Weaver's Facade X
Wings of Ezrajal I
Wings of Fear
Wings of Samaranth I
Winter's Cull IX
Winter's Shawl IX
Wolfwing's Wings
Wolfwing's Wings
Wooden Shard
Wooden Sword of Doom IV
World Destroyer Wings
X-Boost: Unlimited (x10)
Yeti Battlehelm (CC)
Zeclem's Relic Cloak
Zorbak's Staff VIII

War Records

Togsday II
13 waves, 0 Waves De-tog-ified
Ancient Abyss
51 waves, 2 Waves Defeated
The Maleurous: Reawakening
1 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
The Grand Snowfight
10001 waves, 1064 Waves Defeated
The Maleurous: Reckoning
1550 waves, 59 Waves Defeated
The Siege of Haven
4 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
A Friendly Contest
4460 waves, 72 Waves Defeated
The Great Giftnapping
38 waves, 1 Gifts Liberated
The Angel of Azaveyr
1931 waves, 143 Waves Defeated
Archive E-189-L
4837 waves, 136 Paths Cleared
Frostval 2019
915 waves, 24 Waves Defeated
Song of the Ateala
222 waves, 8 Waves Defeated
The Maleurous: Sinnocence
1 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
632 waves, 39 Waves Defeated
The Blood Moon
1 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Black Winter
82 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Ice Cream Invasion
4 waves, 0 Sweets Stopped
The Dark Night
1001 waves, 22 Waves Defeated
Serenity Before The Storm
1001 waves, 2 Waves Defeated
Friday the 13th
1001 waves, 20 Waves Defeated
Save The Moglins
60 waves, 2 Moglins Saved
War of The Dragon Roses
1 waves, 0 Rose Waves
Winged Darkness
1001 waves, 29 Winged Darkness Waves
1 waves, 0 Turducken Waves
Ebil War
13 waves, 0 Ebil Waves Defeated
Wrath of Wargoth
2 waves, 0 Wrath Wave
Rising Fire
4 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Zardbie War 2011
2 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Friday the 13th 2011
11 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Hiding the Blade of Awe
2 waves, 0 Locations Searched


Frostvale Style II
Grenwog Cave
Dragonsgrasp House

House Items

Guardian Tile
Broken Healing Pad
Armor Closet
Orb Of Saving
Glowing Togstone
Really Glowing Togstone
Clyde the Stats Moglin
Traveler's Gryphon Statue
Giant Coffee
Blue Box
Dragonkeep Sconse
Dragonkeep Banner
Dragonkeep Dragon Banner
Left Dragon Statue
Right Dragon Statue
Dragon Gargoyle
Outdoor Dragon Gargoyle
Moglin Tree
Meltface Akriloth Figurine
Dark Night Trophy
Storybook Collection
Training Dummy
Armor Portal Statue
Greenscreen Mirror
Pile of Gold
Pile of Dragon Coins
Bart's Potion Vendor 2000
Timewarped Medal Frame
Timewarped Trophy Cabinet
Inn at the Edge of Time Portal (Outside)
Inn at the Edge of Time Portal (Indoors)