Draco (Ice Dragon)
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Wings of The Thousand Flames Eulin's Charm III Ancient DragonLord Helm III Parallel Chaos Amulet Elemental Unity Defender XII Ourobouros Root Belt III Exalted Apotheosis Eternal Locket Archivist Avatar of Time Chronocorruptor Chronomancer Armor ChronoZ DoomKnight Armor DoomKnight Variant One Epoch Pyromancer Reforged Archivist Reforged Avatar of Time Reforged Chronocorruptor Reforged Chronomancer Reforged ChronoZ Reforged TimeKiller TimeKiller Cor-Demi Trio III DragonKnight Cape V The Hidebehind VIII Wings of Ezrajal III Relic DeathKnight Circlet Ring of Otherworld III Scarab Shell Slugwrath Signet Ring III Void Chitin Band IV Dead Drop Bear Hat IX Distorted Doom Visage III DragonKnight Helm V Helmet of Tog-Control VII Protean Symbiotic Helm III Vilmor's Helm III Kittypillar's Pipe III Shattered Amulet VII Slimy Necklace IV Defender's Medal (x18) Baby Chimera Honda's Legacy Mirror Eye Trinket Grimoire of the Lich III Inlaid Trithril Belt Maeve's Tears IX Mage's Challenger Belt V Paper Coil III Rogue's Challenger Belt V Warrior's Challenger Belt V Blade of Awe VIII Blade of Carnax Blade of the Golden Keel III DragonKnight Blade V Escelense Dragon Defender Blade VII Forgotten Gloom Glaive Furious Gale Scythe Ice Scythe VIII Jade Cleaver of the Lone Tree Lance of Awethur III Lovely Time Sword X Necrotic Sword of Doom Sea Chicken's Conquest III The Quadstaff III Twilly's Staff I Ultimate Blinding Light of Destiny Ultimate Dragon Amulet Scythe of Elementals Uragiri III
Bank Items
Antipode Broadsword VII Ascended ChickenCow Armor Avatar's Winged Scythe Baltael's Aventail (END/WIS) II Blade of Janus Blade of Janus Bloody Monster Heart (x18) BraveSirRobins Fearless Helm Celestia's Blade IV Coggy Corrupt ShadowReaper of Doom Cysero's Hamstergeddon Death's Royal Scythe Deatharrows Fearless Helm Diamond Ring of the Emperor Doom Figmini DoomKnight Cloak DoomKnight Helm Dracabbit VIII Dragon Blade VIII Dragon's Patience Dragon's Rage DragonBlaser VII DragonFable Friends Elpis Euclid's Nightmare VI Fat Werepup Fiery Flare Imp Staff Frosty the Snowghoul Furious Flame Claw Scythe Glaive of the Dark Orb Glaive of the Orb Gnomish Personal Steamtank Mk II Groundhog Wings IV Hacked Magi Drone Indecent Proposal Jeweled Seal Ring of Wall Krampy Leaf of Flux I Linked Bands of Nature's Bounty Lovely Time Helm V Lovely Time Wings VI Lucky Water Dragon Scythe Magi Guard Helm III Magic Bean Meowphant's Mettle IV Midnight Wish VIII Nature Essence (x20) Necro Paragon Armor Necro Paragon Cape IV Necro Paragon Soulblade IV OmniBlade Pandora Puzzling Cards Rainbow Saber VIII Runestone Sentog Helm IV Shadow Hunter Ultra Sword Silver Links Skull Crusher Blaster Sneegion Sword of DOOM Sporcaling Squirrel Tentacle IV Stan the ScanOrb Summon Destiny Dragon Summon Gem - Ayauhnqui EX Summon Gem - Intaym EX Summon Gem - Reaver EX Summon Gem - Ricterild EX Summon Gem - Roktoru EX Super Lucky Wyvern VIII Super Rainbow Blade XII Tentacle of the Dominion I The Barons Fearless Helm Timewarped Medal (x15) Togsmas Cowl III Transcendence Uaanta's Blaster IV (Uncharged) Ultimate Dragon Helm VII Ultimate Dragon Wings X Unhallowed DeathKnight Amulet IV Unhallowed DeathKnight Blade IV Unhallowed DeathKnight Cloak IV Unhallowed DeathKnight Helm IV Unlucky Doom Essence (x2) Vaal's Ego Voidwoven Belt V Voidwoven Belt V Wooden Shard X-Boost: Unlimited
War Records
The Maleurous: Sinnocence 21 waves, 1 Waves Defeated Friday the 13th: Heroes Defeated 2 waves, 0 Heroes Hurt Friday the 13th: Weal 261 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Ice Cream Invasion 12 waves, 0 Sweets Stopped The Dark Night 1 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Serenity Before The Storm 1001 waves, 15 Waves Defeated Friday the 13th 1 waves, 0 Waves Defeated DragonRider War 1 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Ninja's vs Pirates 15 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Rhubarb 257 waves, 27 booties collected for Rhubarb War at the Core 1001 waves, 3 Waves Defeated Full Moon 12 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Frostval 13 3 waves, 0 Waves Defeated 13th 13th 47 waves, 2 Waves Defeated War of The Dragon Roses 103 waves, 4 Rose Waves War of the Dragon Roses 104 waves, 3 Dragon Waves Winged Darkness 21 waves, 1 Winged Darkness Waves Turducken 5 waves, 0 Turducken Waves Ebil War 8 waves, 0 Ebil Waves Defeated Wrath of Wargoth 1001 waves, 0 Wrath Wave Rising Fire 24 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Lucky Day War 2012 51 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Rift War 307 waves, 2 Waves Defeated Zardbie War 2011 3 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Friday the 13th 2011 23 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Hiding the Blade of Awe 4 waves, 0 Locations Searched Lucky Day War 2011 11 waves, 0 Rainbow Shards
DragonLord Castle
Dragonsgrasp House
Edelia House
Ravenloss House
House Items
Armor Closet
Orb Of Saving
Dragonsgrasp Pillar
Dragonsgrasp Left Arch
Dragonsgrasp Right Arch
Dragonsgrasp Couch
Dragonsgrasp Bed
Dragonsgrasp Window
Dragonsgrasp Fireplace
Dragonsgrasp Rug
Dragonsgrasp Fountain
Dragonsgrasp Counter
Elemental Roses
Meltface Akriloth Figurine