Aslan (Light Dragon)
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Beams of Celerita First Golden Ring Akriloth's Bane II Greedling Pet Skull Crusher Blaster Hadal Wrap Golden Twin Blades of Glory Linx Hero Hat Summon Gem - Reaver Summon Gem - Roktoru Pork Rind Ribbon Demento's Gleaming Axe Dread ShadowReaper of Doom Frozen Claymore Great Arborius Orbed Axe Pristine Blinding Light of Destiny Reaper's Axe IV Scythe of Liberty Sea's Blessing III '10 Uroboros Hoop I Vespid Sting
Bank Items
Angler Blade of Destiny Evolved ChickenCow Armor IceScythe Jayne's Warm Hat