

Omega Draco (Fire Dragon)
Wednesday, September 25, 2024


DoomKnight Cloak
Unhallowed DeathKnight Circlet IV
DoomKnight Helm
Unhallowed DeathKnight Amulet IV
Vaal's Ego
Defender's Dragon Belt XXIII
Doomed Dragon Amulet Scythe of the Elements IX
Legion Bracer
Cloak of Akanthus
Ominous Cloud of Socks
Runed Hawk Cloak VI
Togsmas Cloak IX
Wings of Aker'varus VI
Baltael's Aventail (END/WIS) II
Boxhat IX
BraveSirRobins Courageous Helm
Crown of the Core V
Helm of Akanthus
Charm of Symbiosis VI
Defender's Dragon Necklace XVIII
Heart Scale
Mosscrystal Pendant VI
Defender's Medal (x110)
Doom Embraced Dragonscale
Icy Soulwoven Shard
Legendary Vurrmen Tail
Ornamental Dagger
Relic of Zeclem (x2)
Timewarped Medal (x10)
Dragon's Bulwark
Dragon's Wrath
Abyssal Swordfish
Blade of Awe VIII
Blades of The Great One (Gold) IV
DragonBlaser VII
Dreadwyrm Katana V
Escelense Dragon Defender Blade I
Furious Flame Claw Scythe
Nanotog Blade of Vengeance
Necro Paragon Soulblade IV
Sword of Damocles
Thaumaturgus Alpha
Ultimate Blinding Light of Destiny

Bank Items

Abyssal Heart VI
Abysscutter Spear
Ancient Dragon Amulet Scythe of the Elements
Ascended ChickenCow Armor
Ascended Claymore
Baby Chimera
Blade of Janus
Caitiff's Notes
Candy Pail
Carved Tooth Blade
Chaosweaver Armor
Charnel DoomKnight Catalyst
Chronokeeper XI
Commemorative Birthday Sword XII
Consuming Adept Catalyst
Doom Dragon Scythe
Doomed Dragon Amulet Scythe of Elementals
DoomKnight Armor
Dragon Blade VIII
Dragon Eye V
Dragon Mage Hood V
DragonBlaser VII
DragonFable Friends
Dragonoid Saber V
Dravalkyrie VIII
Dusk Tempest Catalyst
Ex's Calibur of Truth VII
Exalted Blaster II (Destiny)
Fighters Ex's Calibur X
Fire Soul VII
Floodplain Wader
Forced Reflection I
Fragment of Ethereal Ego
Fragment of Ethereal Hunger
Fragment of Ethereal Jealousy
Fragment of Ethereal Longing
Fragment of Ethereal Rage
Fragment of Ethereal Rest
Ghost's Blade of Spooky Hotness
Glaive of the Orb
Glowing Tree Scythe
Gnomish Personal Steamtank Mk II
Hero's Armband
Hero's Heart Cleaver
Ice Scythe VIII
Icebound Revenant
Irismancer's Staff VIII
Jack's Rage
Kathool Adept Armor
Lagohmcraft Protector (Gold) VI
Li'l Typhoon IV
Light of Destiny VIII
Lockblade IX
Lovely Book
Lovely Time Wings VI
Lush Oleanderium
Magic Bean
Melissa's Wings VI
Midnight Wish VIII
Mooncaller Scimitar
My Tiny Void Pwny III
Navigator's Hat VI
Necro Paragon Armor
Necrotic Sword of Doom
Noon Promise VIII
Orange Gummy and Bubblegum Pop XI
Ornate Guardian Blade
Overgourd Cover
Petal of Maar V
Poison et Roses Blade IX
Prince Eulin Facsimile
Ranger Blade
Ranger's Cloak
Ranger's Cover
Reforged Archivist
Reforged ChronoZ
Reforged ShadowWalker of Time
Revered Ancient Ninja Terrapin
Rolith's Hammer of Protection
Roly Poly Fishhead
Rose Legacy Sword X
Runed Chains IX
Rusty Royal Axe
Rusty Royal Blade
Scythe of the Bacon Dragon
Scythe of the Energy Dragon
Scythe of the Fire Dragon
Scythe of the Ice Dragon
Scythe of the Light Dragon
Scythe of the Nature Dragon
Scythe of the Stone Dragon
Scythe of the Water Dragon
Scythe of the Wind Dragon
Sea Chicken's Conquest III
Self-Containment Unit v15.2
Serenity's Courage
Shadow Hunter Ultra Sword
Shadow Shard Scythe
Shadow Warrior Armor
Shadowfire Axe VIII
Silver Arrows Edge
Sir Bearginion's Fur
Soggy Spyblade
Soul Carver VI
SoulForged Sword
Static Sphere VI
Strong Rip Tide
Summon Destiny Dragon
Summon Gem - Illumina
Summon Gem - Reaver
Summon Gem - Roktoru
Sunken Fathoms Catalyst
Tangled Essence of Sinnocence
Tasty Swordfish
Temporal Chill
The Glory of Twilly VIII
Twilly's Staff VIII
Ultimate Dragon Helm VII
Ultimate Dragon Wings X
Ultimate Twin Blades of Glory
Ultra OmniKnight Blade
Unchained Blade
Unhallowed DeathKnight Blade IV
Unhallowed DeathKnight Cloak IV
Unhallowed DeathKnight Helm IV
Unlucky Dread Blade
Visage of Fear
Voidcutter Sword VII
Voidhugger Helm
Wings of the Unraveler III
Winter's Cull IX
Wooden Sword of Doom IV
World Destroyer Wings
Zorbak's Staff VIII

War Records

Togsday II
257 waves, 19 Waves De-tog-ified
Ancient Abyss
250 waves, 12 Waves Defeated
The Maleurous: Reawakening
400 waves, 31 Waves Defeated
The Maleurous: Reckoning
360 waves, 31 Waves Defeated
Black Winter
300 waves, 2 Waves Defeated
Friday the 13th: Weal
30 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Ice Cream Invasion
11 waves, 0 Sweets Stopped
The Dark Night
251 waves, 3 Waves Defeated
Serenity Before The Storm
41 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Friday the 13th
3 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
DragonRider War
11 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
1 waves, 0 booties collected for Rhubarb
War at the Core
4 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Full Moon
2 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
13th 13th
11 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
War of the Dragon Roses
1 waves, 0 Dragon Waves
Winged Darkness
5 waves, 0 Winged Darkness Waves
3 waves, 0 Turducken Waves
Ebil War
3 waves, 0 Ebil Waves Defeated
Wrath of Wargoth
5 waves, 0 Wrath Wave
Rising Fire
2 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Lucky Day War 2012
2 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Rift War
2 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Zardbie War 2011
3 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Friday the 13th 2011
230 waves, 1 Waves Defeated
Hiding the Blade of Awe
3 waves, 0 Locations Searched
Lucky Day War 2011
1 waves, 0 Rainbow Shards


Dragonsgrasp House
Hamelin Style II
Ravenloss House

House Items

Guardian Tower Window
Basic Bed
White Couch
Basic End Table with Roses
Guardian Tile
Large Light Grey Area Rug
Inn Table
Inn Sign
Armor Closet
Antique Bookshelf
Writing Desk
Magepriest Recruitment Poster
Zeuster Figurine
Chef's Island
Knife Rack
Storybook Collection
Armor Portal Statue
Bart's Potion Vendor 2000
Inn at the Edge of Time Portal (Indoors)