Zylus (Fire Dragon)
Friday, February 7, 2020
Icebound Wings Elemental Seal Ring Cysero Hair III Sea Elf Weaving Adorable Baby Dracolich Pet Dragon's Rage Imp's Sash Necrotic Sword of Doom Angler Evolved ChickenCow Armor Kathool Adept Armor Cloak of Doom DoomKnight Helm Defender's Medal (x88) Gold Cabit Pelt (x2) Gold Cabit Tail Troglomite Eye X-Boost: Unlimited Leather Gloves Summon Gem - Reaver Summon Gem - Roktoru Azure Lights Staff Blade of Destiny Commemorative Birthday Staff IV Cysero's Hamsterclysm Cysero's Hybrid Staff IV Glistening Carmine Staff Jova's Wrath Major Staff of Aww Miracle Staff Potent Hallow'd Staff Sea's Favor IV '10 Shiny Snowflake on a Stick Staff of Delight Staff of the Amulet Staff of the Dragonlords
Bank Items
Blade of Destiny Glacial Arctica Blade Glacial Gelida Staff Karon's Paddle III The Minute Hand II
Gothic Style II
Hamelin Style
House Items
Brown Couch
Basic Bed
End Table with Roses
Basic Column
Dragon Nest
Guardian Tile
Large Light Grey Area Rug
Inn Table
Dr Voltabolt's Corkboard
Armor Closet
Ice Dragon Pedestal
Necromancer and Minion Figurine
Storybook Collection