

Jake (Light Dragon)
Monday, December 12, 2022


Maple Cloak
Grandfather Clock Ring
Necrotic Death Head
Dartmoor Fog
Glowing Fireflies
Earthern Fortitude
Senior Miner's Belt
Binding DragonStaff of Destiny
Avatar of Time
Chronomancer Armor
DoomKnight Armor
DoomKnight Variant One
Reforged Avatar of Time
Reforged Chronocorruptor
Reforged Chronomancer
Reforged TimeKiller
DoomKnight Cloak
DoomKnight Helm
Valoth Helm
Cloak Scrap
Bloody Monster Heart
Chef's Hat
Defender's Medal (x98)
Kickstarter Token
Shadow Bone Shard (x4)
X-Boost: Unlimited
Balloon Chickencow Pet
Cheshire Twilly III
DOOM Dreidel
Gold Plated Tog
Li'l Squall III
MiniVolt I
Overclocked Rummage
Parrrrrotical Pete the Parrot
Plushie Cupcake
Plushie Kickbacker
Plushie Memet
Plushie Mort
Plushie Nugget
Plushie Quibble
Plushie Rez
Plushie Scourge
Plushie Scurvy
Plushie Twig
Plushie Twilly
Plushie Zilla
Plushie Zorbak
Pristine Dragon Snowman
Togrider General
Beacon of Hope
Skull Crusher Blaster
Summon Gem - Illumina
Algea's Anger
Balthar's Blade
Decus Azureus
Demento's Brilliant Staff
Dire Skullstaff of Doom
Dragons Ex's Calibur IV
Frozen Claymore V
Glacial Gelida Staff
Mire Covered Sewer Staff
Necrotic Sword of Doom
Poseidon's Blade
Rubiaceae Reaper
Shiny Cloud Key
Toginator Plus Extra XXL
Ultimate Dragon Amulet Scythe of Elementals
Corrupted Doom Cassette

Bank Items

Ace of Spades
Adorable Baby Dracolich Pet
Alina's Battle Bouquet Staff
Alina's Wedding Wreath
Amaterasu II
Ancient Ripper Wings
Ancient Skull Ripper Helm
Au'Bacon Mace III
Aware Orchidea
Baby Kraken V
Balloon Chickencow Pet
Balloon Chickencow Pet
Cat's Eye Great Axe III
Chairman Mask
Chaos Sentry Cape I
ChaosMoon Stave V
Chi Blast
Chocobunny Helm
Chocobunny Storm
Commemorative Birthday Staff V
Divine Star of Glory
DrAEgon Scythe
DragonFable Friends
DragonKnight Cape III
DragonKnight Cape IV
DragonKnight Cape V
DragonKnight Helm III
DragonKnight Helm IV
DragonKnight Helm V
DragonKnight Staff III
DragonKnight Staff IV
DragonKnight Staff V
DragonLord Vath Helm
DragonLord Vath Sword
DragonLord Vath Wings
Drakath's Wings
Drones On Your Back
Elemental Unity
Empty Heart of the Void
Enraged Flame Claw Scythe
Escherion Cape
Escherion Hood
Escherion's Staff
Eternity Joy
Eternity Love
Evolved ChickenCow Armor
Fire Imp
Firehead Daisy
Flourishing Sakura Scythe
Flowering Sakura Scythe
Frozen Claymore VI
Gloom Glaive
Glowing Starlight Staff
Gnomish Glory III
Gnomish Personal Steamtank Mk II
Gnomish Personal Steamtank Vr 1.0
Golden Chickcalf V
Golden Order Athame III
Golden Order Athame IV
Golden Order Athame V
Gourdon the Gourd-o-Lantern
Habanero Sombrero 2010
Hyetal Monolith Staff
Indecent Proposal
Infection Tie
Ironwood Vine Cape
Kathool Adept Armor
Learned Orchidea
Legendary Axe-Blade of Aww
Li'l Typhoon IV
Lifesaver VII
Limnal Monolith Staff
Maple Cloak
Maple Cloak
Maple of Independence Helm
Marshmallow Pip
Marshmallow Pip
Master Detective Cape
Mighty Dread Scythe
Mighty Dread Wings
Mighty Zephyric Pinwheel +5
Moonridge Honorstaff V
Mr. Mangles
My Tiny DOOM Pwny II
My Tiny DOOM Pwny III
Mystic Gift Box
Obsidian Dragon Staff III
On Wings Of Bacon
Ornate Lorelympic Torch III
Pallor's Frozen Staff VI
Parrrrrotical Pete the Parrot
Parrrrrotical Pete the Parrot
Parrrrrotical Pete the Parrot
Pirate Monkey Captain
Plushie Escherion
Proficient Orchidea
Radiant Providence
Rainbow Saber V
Raucous Chainsword
Ring of the Desert Prince
Rockin' Headphones III
Rolith's Hammer of Protection
Rubiaceae Reaper
Rush of Zardlings
Save Our Sneevils Sign III
Scythe of Liberty
Scythe of the Amulet
Scythe of the Dark Amulet
Shadowscythe Bane
Shadowscythe Reaper
Shiny Caliburn
Silver Lights Staff
Sneegion Sword of DOOM
Snow Day Scythe IV
Snowy Soul Harvester Wings
Solid Gold Tog
Soul Carver III
Spots the Two-Headed Puppy
Spotted Chickcalf
Stygian Harvester Wings
Summon Gem - Roktoru
Super Golden Phoenix Wings III
Super Lucky Wyvern IV
Super Rainbow Blade VI
Supreme Huntari
The Massive Axe XL
Three "Lucky" Wishbones
Thyton's Magitech Scythe
Triks the Moglin
Tsukuyomi II
Vaekan's Reaper VII
Vanilla Ice Katana I
Vivid Caliburn
You Are Here

War Records

Winged Darkness
1 waves, 0 Winged Darkness Waves
Ebil War
69 waves, 0 Ebil Waves Defeated
Wrath of Wargoth
1 waves, 0 Wrath Wave
Rising Fire
4 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Lucky Day War 2012
8 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Rift War
3 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Zardbie War 2011
1 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Friday the 13th 2011
30 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Hiding the Blade of Awe
1 waves, 0 Locations Searched


Dragonsgrasp House
DragonLord Castle
Gothic Style
Frostvale Style II

House Items

Basic Bonsai Table
Shadow of the Wind Village
Granite Floor
Dragonslaying Lance
Armor Closet
Ninja and Pirate Action Figures
Plushie Cabinet
Mogbusters Poster
Togs 4 Life Poster
Lefthand NPC Plushie Etagere
Righthand NPC Plushie Etagere
Splashy Toy
Memento Mori
Picnic Table
Mana-powered Lava Lamp
Yix and Balthar Plushies
Clyde the Stats Moglin
Time Travel Fairy Time Tours statue
Hole in the ground
Traveler's Gryphon Statue
Haunted Wood Full Moon Window
True Mortal Plushie
The Lady and Kensai Plushies
Dragonsgrasp Bed
Dragonsgrasp Fireplace
Dragonsgrasp Alchemy Shelf
Dragonsgrasp Counter
TogTog Heart
Sitting Golden Zorbak
Ravenloss Plushie Cabinet