
gods fist

Darmoth (Fire Dragon)
Friday, December 23, 2011


Protectorate Shell
Ring of Four Winds
Chicken Helmet of Lore
Ancient Deathknight Pendant
Protectorate Belt
Final Daggers of Stabina
Ancient Deathknight Cloak
Wings of The Hundred Infernos
Protection of Gorgok
The 13th Ring
Ancient Deathknight Helm
Batwing Helm
Doombunny Mask
Ninja Mask
The Hope Necklace
Ice Dragon Head
Time in a Bottle
White Dragon Snowman
Ancient Deathknight Belt
Breakwater III
Dagger of Whims III
Dark Twin Blades of Doom
Final DeathKnight Blade
Jaania's Blade
The Prince's Dagger
Wavecrest V
Whispering Lotus

Bank Items

Emperor Linus
Harvest Ripper
Revolving Rifleblade
The King's Crown