Dartox (Darkness Dragon)
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Defender's Dragon Ring VII Ninja Mask Defender's Dragon Necklace II Emperor Linus Protectorate Belt Kuji-Kiri 301st Elite Knight Cape Gunmetal Wings of Wind Magic Frostval Cloak Guardian Ghoul Dragon Helm Helm Of 300 Flames Icemaster Yeti Dragon Helm Royal Crown Black Pearl (x2) Defender's Medal (x16) The Last Board of Falconreach Pristine Dragon Snowman Alcyone Cutlass Dragon Head Blade III Exalted Moonstriker Full Silver Grand Wrath of Flame Guardian Blade Master CorDemi Codex Sword of Falconreach IV The Greenman's Blade The Third Frost Giant The Warlord's Scepter Unlucky ShadowReaper of Doom Wavecrest IV