

Icereign (Light Dragon)
Thursday, October 27, 2022


Pristine Cobalt Dragon Wings
Icebound Cobalt Dragon Helm
Akriloth's Bane IV
Four "Lucky" Wishbones
Bacon Bits
Spyblade of Frost III
DoomKnight Armor
DoomKnight Variant One
Reforged Chronocorruptor
Cloak of Deidro
DoomKnight Cloak
Magicall Frostval Cloak
Stylish Vampire Cape
Super Spooky Orange Cloak
Togsmas Cloak II
Defender's Dragon Ring XV
Atrea's Sentinel Helm IV
Bright Defender V
Cowl of Deidro
Magma Cowl
Male Frost Moglin Helm VI
Panicky Lion's Head
Panicky Lion's Mane
Spooked Lion's Head
Timid Lion's Head
Twisted Gears
Whispered Thought
Amethyst Shard
Ignis Gem
Luminite (x2)
X-Boost: Unlimited
Leather Power Fists
Skull Crusher Blaster
Ahab's Antique Harpoon
Bound Coals
Bound Fire
Bound Pyre
Chained Pyre
ChaosRager VII
ChaosWeaver Defender Scythe
Cysero's Baco-Rama III
Dragon Head Blade VII
Dragonlord's Loss
Frost Dragon Head Blade III
Frozen Claymore
Gabriel's Wisdom
Guardian Blade
Long Forgotten Spear
Midsummer Knight's Blade VI
Obsidian Dragon Sword III
Pallor's Frozen Staff V
Pristine Blinding Light of Destiny
Putrid Zardbie Scythe
Ravenloss Warmonger (1000)
Reforged Bos Primigenius
Shackled Coals
Shackled Flare
Sizzling Blade of Doom
Spirit of the Forest III
Spyblade of Alacrity III
Spyblade of Static III
The Baconing
The Bolt Key
Togsmas Sword IV
Virulent Violet Flame

Bank Items

A Hole-y Ring
Aeris PvP Trophy (x24)
Ancient Shadow Warrior Armor
Ancient Skull Ripper Helm
Ancient Void Reaver
Ateala Armament
Au'Bacon Carver IV
Celtic Rainbow VI
ChaosWeaver Bauble (x26)
ChaosWeaver Rune (x40)
Chef's Hat
Chi Blast
ChickenCow Armor
Cloak of Doom
Cysero's Hamstergeddon
Defender's Dragon Necklace XX
Defender's Medal (x91)
Defiled Ripper Wings
DoomKnight Helm
Earthly Helm
Eternal Spring Blade
Evolved ChickenCow Armor
Fancy Tie Belt
Forsaken ShadowReaper of Doom
Gabriel's Wrath
Glaive of the Order
Harvest Reaper IV
Ice Gem
Indecent Proposal
Infection Tie
Lim's Hydrocombustion Breaker
Mightier 100k Scythe
My Little Pegasus
Necrotic Sword of Doom
Paraginium (x2)
Power of the Avatars
Prince Linus
Rainbow Saber VII
Revered Ancient Ninja Terrapin
Rotazoru Wings III
Scrap metal (x70)
Shard of the Spirit-Loom (x12)
Shiny Gold Axe VII
Snugglebear Helm
Somnus Fighter
Spotted Chickcalf
Summon Gem - Reaver
Summon Gem - Roktoru
Sword of the ArchKnight
Technician's Tools
Toginator Plus Extreme
Togsmas Cowl II
Togsmas Scythe
Ultimate Twin Blades of Glory
Unlucky Doom Essence (x17)
Vanilla Ice Katana
Vexed Miasmal Axe
Weald Line IV
ZardSlayer Blade

War Records

Ebil War
2 waves, 0 Ebil Waves Defeated
Wrath of Wargoth
11 waves, 0 Wrath Wave
Rising Fire
10 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Lucky Day War 2012
10 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Rift War
14 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Zardbie War 2011
8 waves, 1 Waves Defeated
Friday the 13th 2011
253 waves, 1 Waves Defeated
Hiding the Blade of Awe
21 waves, 0 Locations Searched
Lucky Day War 2011
101 waves, 10 Rainbow Shards


Hamelin Style II
Frostvale Style II
Gothic Style
Hamelin Style
Villager Style

House Items

PVP Banner
PVP Banner
Villager Style Window
Villager Style Window
Nice Bed
Basic Chess Table
Basic Table with Ship
Basic Table with Snowglobe
Map Table
Deluxe Dragonbed
Guardian Book
Sword in the Stone
Pirate Swords
Guardian Shield
Sandstone Floor
Large Light Grey Area Rug
Lawn Sneevil
Rolith Statue
Gorillaphant Rug
Dragon Amulet Rug
Flower Garden
Armor Closet
Magic Mirror
Orb Of Saving
Sneak Attack Landscape