Fafnir (Darkness Dragon)
Friday, June 20, 2008
301st Elite Knight Cape Defender's Dragon Ring I Defender's Dragon Necklace IV Red Imp Belt of Falconreach III Dark ShadowReaper of Doom ChickenCow Armor Protectorate Shell Wicked Nightraptor Wings Frostval Top Hat Sandsea Headdress The Helmet of Ra Wicked Warlord Helmet Aeris PvP Trophy Ancient Treasure Defender's Medal (x19) Special Dragon Chow (x6) The Last Board of Falconreach Wind Seal Fragment (x3) Emperor Linus Fiend Lucky Wererabbit Pet Wyvern Protectorate Belt Dragonlord's Loss Exalted Moonstriker Frostvale Pine IV Grand Wrath of Flame Guardian Blade Master CorDemi Codex Revolving Rifleblade Sword of Falconreach IV The Golden Falcon The Third Frost Giant Timberglow Toxic Cutlass Wavecrest V