Winged Dragon (Water Dragon)
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Magicall Frostval Cloak Defender's Dragon Ring XVIII Male Frost Moglin Helm VI Pandora's Cube Choker Mystic Gift Box Pirate's Curse 30 Stone Belt Ashitan Shari Avi William's Band Aeris PvP Trophy (x3) Ateala Armament Scrap metal War Wolf II Summon Gem - Illumina Brilliant DragonStaff of Destiny Forsaken Skullstaff of Doom Golden Lights Staff Grand Master Staff High Orbed Staff High Pulquin Kaaros Xera Avi Kilguin Fillet Slicer Miasma Mighty 100k Scythe Overclocked Charge Ultimate Star of Glory
Bank Items
Angler Defender's Medal (x291) Evolved ChickenCow Armor Lightning Circuit
War Records
Rift War 2 waves, 0 Waves Defeated Friday the 13th 2011 3 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Hamelin Style II
Frostvale Style II
House Items
Guardian Tower Window
Guardian Tower Window
Basic Bed
End Table
Shadow of the Wind Village
Sandsea Plaque
Sandsea Plaque
Guardian Tile
Large Grey Area Rug
Small Light Grey Area Rug
Inn Table
A Bush
A Bush
Orb Of Saving
Tomato Plant
Landscape Scene 2
Landscape Scene 1
Time Travel Fairy Time Tours statue