Chocolate (Water Dragon)
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Gunmetal Wings of Wind Elite Mechpilot Helmet Movement Blade ChickenCow Armor Boondock's Saintly Cloak Cloak of Doom Ghostly Green Cape Magic Frostval Cloak Frostval Top Hat Nickto's Skullhelm Patrick's Emerald Green Hat Slay Bell Brigadier General Butterbomb Emperor Linus White Dragon Snowman Advanced Spectrus Sword Dragon Head Blade III Edgars Blade Fortune's Edge III Freedom Grand Wrath of Flame Guided Blinding Light of Destiny High Hallow'd Edge Master CorDemi Codex Murdok's Hand Naner Six Reaper's Axe IV Scimitar of Entropy Sword of the Amulet
Bank Items
Beefhammer Defender's Medal (x18) Lightfall Scary Doll Scrap metal (x56)