Baue (Bacon Dragon)
Monday, March 4, 2019
Master Detective Cape Glacialis Orbis Well Worn Lucky Cap Agate Beads Ace of Spades Fur Coat Golden Bat Wings Foamy Cider Mug Red Head Aeris PvP Trophy (x19) Defender's Medal (x27) Slight Squishie Voidwoven Belt II Baconated Blade of Doom Binding Blinding Light of Destiny Blade of the Crescent Moon V Celestia's Blade II ChamPAIN Skullcracker IV Darth Laser Destructive 13th 13th Scythe Divine Brand of Glory Eye of the Void (Sw) III Heartless ShadowReaper of Doom High Blade of Clubs High Blade of Hearts IceScythe Lustrous Silver Rapier Neela Paani Blade V Noon Promise VIII Plegios' Punishment Riadne's Burning Scythe Save Our Sneevils Sign IV Spirit of the Wind Scythe VI Toginator Plus Extra XXXL Transcendence
Bank Items
Aika Backguard Aika Backguard Chef's Hat Commemorative Birthday Helm VII Commemorative Birthday Sword XII Defender's Dragon Necklace I Defender's Dragon Ring XI Dravir Wings V Fiery Hobgoblin Axe Foul Doom Harvester Wings Grim Draconis Tenebras Guardian Blade Hovering Rocks III Kanji Charm Necklace Lim's Hybrid Hammer VI Luminous Techangel Blade Mazurek's Emerald Middle Ring Radiant Providence Rose Magus Wrap III Shining Helm of Destiny Shiny Scaled Belt Sil Greatsword VI Spyblade of Static III StoneFish Sun God Cape Sun God Scythe Sun God Visor Warden Belt