Argentum Draco (Nature Dragon)
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Protectorate Shell Claddagh Ring Elite Mechpilot Helmet Defender's Dragon Necklace VI Jacksparrow Protectorate Belt Deep Blue Something Defender's Dragon Ring I CorDemi Battledrone Emperor Linus Lucky Wererabbit Major Butterbomb Pristine Dragon Snowman Punchy Advanced CorDemi Codex Aeolian Dao Dragon Head Blade III Fighter's Worth Fortune's Edge III Frostvale Pine IV Guardian Blade Lightfall Movement Blade Perfect Spectrus Sword POTATO! Spider Slayer Sword IV Sword of Falconreach IV Sword of the Amulet Sword of the Amulet The Gloryblade The Warlord's Scepter
Bank Items
Defender's Medal (x41) Forest's Edge Harvest Edge V Prankster's Wolfaxe Unlucky Doom Essence