

Ragnarok (Light Dragon)
Friday, July 12, 2024


Mechanical Ring VII
Tytanvisage Helm (Vind) VII
Rough-Hewn Collar VII
Dragon's Bulwark
Lost Frozen Cord V
Wolf's Tooth Staff
Ancient Exosuit
Aspenvale Academy Uniform
Avatar of Time
ChickenCow Armor
Dimensional Transphaser
DoomKnight Armor
DoomKnight Variant One
Evolved ChickenCow Armor
Icebound Revenant
Kathool Adept Armor
Reforged Archivist
Reforged Avatar of Time
Reforged Chronocorruptor
Reforged Chronomancer
Reforged ChronoZ
Backup Broom
DoomKnight Cloak
DragonKnight Cape
Dread Carapace VI
Frost Knight's Scarf IX
Giant Custom Potion (Silver)
Giant Health Potion (Bronze)
Giant Mana Potion (Silver)
Lagohmcraft Protector (Vind) VI
Majjical Owl Wings VII
Ominous Cloud of Socks
Reflective Polygonal Sphere of Many Lights
Shadecloak of the Emperor VII
Swordhaven Carrier Bag
Ultimate Dragon Wings X
Unael Protectorate IX
World Destroyer Wings
Zeclem's Cloak
Academic's Ring V
Dragon Scale Coil VII
Fulgurite Ring VII
Mazurek's Emerald Thumb Ring
Seer's Ring VIII
Zeclem's Band
Ateala Soldier's Helm VII
Comfy Frostval Scarf (Dragon)
Cute Chickencow Hat
DoomKnight Helm
DragonKnight Helm
Dravir Warhelm VIII
Enchanted Frostcrown IX
Larein's Helm VII
Maz's Earrings
Navigator's Hat VI
Preserved Dragonsbreath
Restored Experimental Visage
Self-Containment Unit v15.5
Snuggleranger Helm (Cyan)
Ultimate Dragon Helm VII
Visage of Fear
Wildheart Crest
Wildheart Fang
Zeclem's Helm
Hunter's Ornament
Mosscrystal Pendant VI
Sundragon Pendant VIII
Tizheruk Scale IX
Tizheruk Scale IX
Zeclem's Heirloom
Charm of the Makers
Charnel DoomKnight Catalyst
Consuming Adept Catalyst
Defender's Medal (x27)
Edelia Student Catalyst
Firmament Stability Core
Forgotten Dream
Icy Soulwoven Shard
Infected Stability Core
Mana Elemental Residue
Marauder Pirate Catalyst
Mysterious Bag
Opal Gemstone (x3)
Pathfinder's Blade Shard
Phoenix Helion Catalyst
Pouch of Trithril Dust
Remthalas' Mask
Residue of Order
Royal Astravian Catalyst
Scale of The Mana Core
Silver Golem Shards
Spectral DeathKnight Catalyst
Unstable Amalgam Core
Vial of White Flame
Wide Gemcraft Receptacle
X-Boost: Unlimited (x10)
Dragon's Wrath
Elemental Unity Defender XV
Crystal Notched Belt IV
Flying Saucer Belt IX
Ostracon Supplies
Zeclem's Belt
Abyssal Elf Scepter VII
Abyssal Heart VI
Adept's Spear
Ancient Ceremonial Scythe of Wolves
Ancient Dragon Amulet Scythe of the Elements
Ancient Frost Moglin Staff IX
Antique Blade of Awe
Antique DragonLord's Rite
Antique Star Captain's Claymore
Antithesis Staff IX
Applied Weaving for Beginners
Atealan Ceremonial Spear
Blade of the Bound Eclipse
Blade of the Shattered Dream VIII
Blades of The Great One (Vind) IV
Doomed Dragon Amulet Scythe of Elementals
Dragon's Plume VI
DragonKnight Staff
Drahaj IX
Frost Moglin Knight's Glaive VIII
Frozen Spirit Dagger IX
Frozen Spirit Staff IX
Frozen Spirit Sword IX
Glaive of Eternal Peace IV
Glimmerwing VI
Guardian Blade
Lockblade IX
Notha's Fatecaster
Notha's Fatecaster
Notha's Fatecrusher
Notha's Fatepiercer
Scythe of the Energy Dragon
Snow's Repose IX
Staff of the ArchKnight
Syzygy Key V
The Sword For Other Monsters
Ultimate Dragon Amulet Scythe of Elementals
Unnecessarily Ornate Useless Weapon Just For Show
Corrupted Doom Cassette
Eternal Locket

Bank Items

Abyssal Silver Zanbato IV
Aeris PvP Trophy (x12)
Aika Backguard
Akriloth's Fervid Bane
Al'nold's Ring VI
Alina's Battle Bouquet Staff
Amber Staff of the Harvest V
Ancient Frost Moglin Knife I
Ancient Frost Moglin Mace I
Anguished Gloom Glaive
Avatar's Winged Scythe
Azure Gemmed Necklace
Baby Kraken VI
Blade of Destiny
Bloody Monster Heart (x45)
Bone Caster's Staff VIII
BOOM-Voice Brew
Breath of Life
Brutal Cultist Hood
Canopic Charm
Carrel's Ring
Chef's Hat
Chilly On Your Back
Chronomancer Armor
Cloak Scrap
Commemorative Birthday Staff XII
Consuming Cursed Serpent Claw
Crystalline Staff
Cuddly Dracolich
Dark Justicar
Death's Royal Scythe
Defender's Dragon Belt XIII
Defender's Dragon Necklace XXXII
Defender's Dragon Ring XXIX
Dimensionally Shifted Blade
Doom Dragon Scythe
Doom Dragon Scythe
Dracabbit VIII
Dragon Clan Scythe
Dragon Merit (x2)
Dragon PvP Trophy
Dragon Wolf Staff VI
Dragon's Plume IV
Dragonoid Saber V
Emerald Scythe of Purity
Emerald Staff of Purity
Enchanted Esoterica
Eternal Spring Staff
Ethereal Devourer
Ewolyn's Fierce Visage
Ewolyn's Tear IV
Falwynn's Disguise Kit
Fire Soul VII
Found Blighted Ripper Wings
Found Blighted Skull Ripper Helm
Four Found "Lucky" Wishbones
Full Moon Scythe
Ghost's Blade of Spooky Hotness
Glaive of the Dark Orb
Glaive of the Orb
Glaive of the Orb
Glob of Mwrn
Glow of Emryhs VIII
Golden Phoenix Wings VII
Grove Tender Blade
Grove Tender Twigs
Grove Tender Visage
Hero's Brick
High Mark of the Eclipse
Honed Funny Bone
Ice Cream Swordfish
Icemaster Tasti
Illumina's Light V
Illumina's Visage V
Inert Mana Gem
Infernal Spineripper
Kara's Wings VI
Lansezeur's Compass
Literal Resolution
Lucky Naginata IV
Lucky Water Dragon Scythe
Malevolent 13th 13th Scythe
Malich's Retribution
Manawood Staff V
Metatron's Wrath
Mewphant VIII
Midnight Dream VIII
Mooncaller Sickle
Necrotic Sword of Doom
Noxious Doom Harvester Wings
Obsidian Dragon Claw III
Obsidian Dragon Staff III
Obsidian Dragon Sword III
Oculus Shard
Ornate Guardian Blade
Pallor's Chill Helm
Pallor's Frozen Staff VI
Pillar of Light
Primal Corrupt Essence (x24)
Prince Eulin Facsimile
Prismatic Iridescence VIII
Pristine Soul Harvester Wings
Pure Shard of the Dawn (x26)
Rainbow's Edge
Rainbow's End IX
Raven of the Mysts Cloak VI
Ravenloss Warmonger (1000)
Rolith's Hammer of Protection
Roly Poly Fishhead
Rose Magus Wrap III
Royal Vault Staff V
Runed Chains IX
Rusty Royal Blade
Saving Resolution
Scythe of the Bacon Dragon
Scythe of the Fire Dragon
Scythe of the Ice Dragon
Scythe of the Nature Dragon
Scythe of the Stone Dragon
Scythe of the Water Dragon
Scythe of the Wind Dragon
Serenity's Grace
Serenity's Grace
Shadow Bone Shard (x7)
Shake Spear
Sir Fluffykins VIII
Skullpiercer III
Sliced Cheese
Sneevrick Rod VI
Spear of Lumina
Stormhawk VIII
Strong Resolution
Stygian Entity's Defense
Summon Destiny Dragon
Summon Gem - Illumina
Summon Gem - Ricterild
Summon Young Destiny Dragon
Sun God Cape
Sun God Scythe
Sun God Visor
Super Lucky Wyvern VIII
Syzygy Key V
Temporal Chill
The Magister
The Necsnowmancer
TimeShift Scythe
Timetorn Bladehilt
Timetorn Teleshard (x3)
Token of the Fish Lord
Ultimate Twin Blades of Glory
Ultra OmniKnight Blade
Unlucky Clover VIII
Unlucky Dark Staff
Unlucky Doom Essence (x44)
Unlucky Dread Pillar
Verraad I
Vind Trophy Belt
Vineblade Halberd
War Wolf Cape IV
War Wolf Helm IV
War Wolf III
Zeclem's Blade

War Records

The Eclipse of DOOM
20 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Friday the 13th: EbilTreats
3 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Ancient Abyss
92 waves, 7 Waves Defeated
Night of Ebil Dread
45 waves, 2 Waves Repelled
The Maleurous: Reawakening
12 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
The Grand Snowfight
30 waves, 1 Waves Defeated
The Maleurous: Reckoning
50 waves, 2 Waves Defeated
The Siege of Haven
6 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
A Friendly Contest
84 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
The Great Giftnapping
48 waves, 1 Gifts Liberated
The Angel of Azaveyr
52 waves, 3 Waves Defeated
Archive E-189-L
233 waves, 3 Paths Cleared
Frostval 2019
119 waves, 6 Waves Defeated
Song of the Ateala
202 waves, 4 Waves Defeated
The Snowpeak War
300 waves, 9 Waves Defeated
The Maleurous: Sinnocence
143 waves, 6 Waves Defeated
100 waves, 7 Waves Defeated
The Blood Moon
20 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Black Winter
604 waves, 1 Waves Defeated
Friday the 13th: Weal
139 waves, 1 Waves Defeated
Ice Cream Invasion
63 waves, 1 Sweets Stopped
The Dark Night
287 waves, 11 Waves Defeated
Serenity Before The Storm
946 waves, 15 Waves Defeated
Friday the 13th
501 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
DragonRider War
1001 waves, 7 Waves Defeated
Pirates vs Ninja's
31 waves, 1 Waves Defeated
Ninja's vs Pirates
592 waves, 43 Waves Defeated
100 waves, 10 booties collected for Rhubarb
100 waves, 8 booties collected for Maz
War at the Core
1001 waves, 11 Waves Defeated
Full Moon
1001 waves, 2 Waves Defeated
Save The Moglins
10 waves, 0 Moglins Saved
Frostval 13
1001 waves, 24 Waves Defeated
13th 13th
1001 waves, 19 Waves Defeated
War of The Dragon Roses
1001 waves, 22 Rose Waves
War of the Dragon Roses
1001 waves, 20 Dragon Waves
Winged Darkness
1001 waves, 7 Winged Darkness Waves
336 waves, 5 Turducken Waves
Ebil War
402 waves, 6 Ebil Waves Defeated
Wrath of Wargoth
1001 waves, 0 Wrath Wave
Rising Fire
145 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Lucky Day War 2012
224 waves, 0 Waves Defeated
Rift War
1001 waves, 13 Waves Defeated
Zardbie War 2011
1001 waves, 14 Waves Defeated
Friday the 13th 2011
1001 waves, 45 Waves Defeated
Hiding the Blade of Awe
18 waves, 0 Locations Searched
Lucky Day War 2011
270 waves, 289 Rainbow Shards


DragonLord Castle

House Items

Fancy Bed
Book Pile
Dragon Nest
Dragon Statue
Guardian Book
Round Mirror
Shadow of the Wind Village
Guardian Tile
Magic Mirror
Armor Closet
Orb Of Saving
Memento Mori
Easy Clean Aquarium
Statue of Pandora
Ravenloss Light Left
Ravenloss Light Right
Imaru and Serenity
Dark Night Trophy
Pellow Village
Pellow Clearing Stone
Pellow Column Right
Pellow Column Left
Pellow Floating Rocks
Pellow Golden Bonsai
Void Ship Plans
Pellow End Table with Pandora
Storybook Collection
Portrait of Timmy
Armor Portal Statue
Greenscreen Mirror
Bart's Potion Vendor 2000