Regal (Light Dragon)
Thursday, May 31, 2012
DoomKnight Cloak DoomKnight Helm My Little Pegasus Chi Blast Magma Belt Necrotic Sword of Doom Angler DoomKnight Variant One Zorbak's Ebil Cloak Minx Ring Death's Dragon Cowl Foreman's Helm Defender's Dragon Necklace III Aeris PvP Trophy Ancient Treasure (x2) Broken Table Leg Defender's Medal (x3) Elemental Essence (x5) Gears of War (x5) Ice Dragon Scale (x2) Mage Sketchbook Note From Sepulchure Ruby Sculpture (x2) Strange Portrait Time in a Bottle Undead Slayer Badge Wind Seal Fragment (x2) Emperor Linus Shellack Sparklepony Rings of the Eryines Circuit Breaker Diamond-edged Sword Foilated Blade Frozen Claymore III Full Silver Great Arborius Guardian Blade Heartless ShadowReaper of Doom Itchi's Restrained Blade Orbed Axe Purity Runeblade Twinned Edge Xan's Revenge
Bank Items
Ancient Deathknight Belt Chain of Clarity ChaosMoon Edge IV Chef's Hat Construction Helm Dark Crystal Necklace Dishwashing Towel Dragon Ring of the Keep Energy Ball Evolved ChickenCow Armor Gunmetal Wings of Wind Hunter's Fury Male Hero Hat Poseidon's Blade Silver Lining Superior Gilded Machete Sword of Eye-Rule Wings of The Hundred Infernos
Gothic Style II
House Items
Potion Chest
Armor Closet
Time Travel Fairy Time Tours statue