Auctorita (Fire Dragon)
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Wicked Nightraptor Wings Defender's Dragon Ring III Icemaster Yeti Dragon Helm Defender's Dragon Necklace II Brigadier General Butterbomb Magma Belt Xan's Revenge ChickenCow Armor 301st Elite Knight Cape Magic Frostval Cloak Phantom Roc Wings Wings of The Hundred Infernos The 13th Ring Construction Helm Frostval Top Hat Sandsea Headdress Merge Ingredient (x3) Stackable Item (x5) The Last Board of Falconreach Unlucky Doom Essence (x2) Pristine Dragon Snowman Rare Pet Wyvern Dark ShadowReaper of Doom Dragon Head Blade III Exalted Moonstriker Fortune's Edge III Guardian Blade Inlaid Edge Master CorDemi Codex Spider Slayer Sword IV Sword of Falconreach IV The Third Frost Giant The Warlord's Scepter